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Old Icons

Shouldn't we keep them? O-o

Infodude57500:50, 2 July 2012

I don't really see why, the old icons were never even seen in-game. If we kept everything that was never ingame... We'd have to upload a lot more than we preserve.

Pyro - (Talk)01:26, 2 July 2012

But we kept four unused Personas...

Infodude575 (talk)10:29, 25 October 2012

Because there's still hope that they'll eventually come out. But the old destiny icons were replaced twice and now even the destiny system is replace.

Pyro - (Talk)19:18, 25 October 2012

If they implemented the Lugh Persona but never released him prior to G16's end, then I seriously doubt they'll add it.

Infodude575 (talk)23:16, 25 October 2012

My point is, no matter how unlikely ,there's still a pico-scopic chance that it will exist. But no chance of them removing the Talent System and re-adding the Destiny System.

Pyro - (Talk)05:59, 26 October 2012

There are old Destiny icons? You mean the one with the banner + names?


Besides the one shown at Nao, there are supposedly two sets in the data.

Pyro - (Talk)19:31, 25 October 2012