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Something wrong with the event? Or my client?

Something wrong with the event? Or my client?

I went to Cor to get a cookie wand, and I got the quest for it completed when I talked to the boy, but NEITHER the boy nor the otter have the cookie wands available in their shops! Am I doing something wrong? Is this an issue others have? My client is completely clean, I have NO mods on it, so I have no idea whats wrong! (QQ)

Yuuka13:21, 16 November 2011

Ruwai has it in his store under the event tab... (Yes, they have names.)

Pyro - (Talk)13:27, 16 November 2011

I looked. The event tab is empty. As I said, I cant find it ANYWHERE in EITHER of their stores. I checked both cause I wondered if Nexon just said the wrong person....

Yuuka13:29, 16 November 2011

Strange. What server are you in? Let me check. (By the way, this is in the talk page of the 2009 cookie want event, not the current one...)

Pyro - (Talk)13:34, 16 November 2011

Im in Mari. I havnt been able to check with any other character, and no one in my guild is doing the event, so Im not sure if anyone else has this problem. (Thats odd... XD)

Yuuka13:36, 16 November 2011

Oh... You can see this discussion on the talk page for the current one too. I guess the discussion pages are linked?

Yuuka13:37, 16 November 2011


Pyro - (Talk)13:39, 16 November 2011

Thanks. And as for the cookie wand thing... maybe I should put in a ticket. Though I doubt nexon will do anything to help until the event is over. Are the wands and chocolate ingredient stuff tradable?

Yuuka13:57, 16 November 2011

To my understanding, yes they are. I highly doubt it's a client sided error

LexisMikaya13:58, 16 November 2011

The chocolate ingredients, yes, they're not event items, they're also sold in Emain Macha. The wands are too since you can mail them.

Pyro - (Talk)13:59, 16 November 2011

Thanks, for now then Ill just have friends buy me them.

Yuuka14:24, 16 November 2011