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About this whole separate-page thing...

The HP MP SP should probably have a mention on the elemental mastery pages if anything since they are what affects them. I don't see why it would be mentioned on the cylinder list especially since it can be filled with the cylinder broken. Golden time just fills up the orbs as far as I can tell with a downside of emptying them if you don't use wave in the duration. No real reason to make it have its own page. I think it's good where it is instead of having to click another link to get to something that should be there.

Meru (talk)21:53, 28 January 2014

Good point, elemental masteries are also involved. . . And I agree, it doesn't necessarily need its own page, but I believe almost any arrangement would be better than just Elemental Wave's page. We need to circulate information, not suppress it.

Kapra - (Talk)21:59, 28 January 2014

Isolation => Circulation?

Nope (talk)22:00, 28 January 2014

More accessible, the better.

Kapra - (Talk)22:02, 28 January 2014

How exactly does isolation create accessibility?

Nope (talk)22:04, 28 January 2014

Who is isolating what? Nobody is talking about removing anything from any page, at most removing 30% of the orb information off Elemental Wave and onto its own page, which we ruled out.

Kapra - (Talk)22:06, 28 January 2014
Who is isolating what?... wanted to in the first place.

...the elemental gauges and effects deserve their own page, not be lumped with Elemental Wave.


ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:27, 28 January 2014

I don't think we need to plaster the same exact information everywhere. Just on the elemental wave page is enough with a link to the section like on the golden time page.

Meru (talk)22:07, 28 January 2014

But by that logic, we would have to scrap pages like Skill Minigame.

Kapra - (Talk)22:12, 28 January 2014

Considering the last edit prior to my cooking minigame was 3 months and has not been updated to the current interface font...I'm not surprised it hasn't been revamped. Not to mention the lack of details on some of those minigames. I haven't done much outside of Cooking, blacksmithing, and fishing. It does need to be reworked...or at the least update pictures.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:24, 28 January 2014

I'll admit the page is pretty cool and all, but it really is nothing but a page that pulls all the mini games into one place. The wine making page doesn't even have the wine making mini game on it, and the metal conversion could use that picture it has, and the cooking page just glances over it. It seems kind of silly that the wine making skill page has a link saying "for information about wine making, see here". It just seems to be a tip page mostly as that's what all the skill pages link to it as. The page doesn't seem to have gotten much use since it was made 5 years ago.

Meru (talk)22:29, 28 January 2014

Actually Winemaking does...nothing other than give stat boosts. It does not affect how the process works or anything. Besides, top of the page has a link to process, which...has the mini game page linked to it...? what...I don't even...

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:34, 28 January 2014

Yeah, but now that wine making is it's own skill we have a place to put information about it where we didn't before it became a skill. It would be a lot of work to trim up all the information for the page though... (Off topic)

Meru (talk)22:42, 28 January 2014

Well JP has an idea that it somewhat increases quality...but to some unknown degree. Much like how Luck evasion works...It's there what degree?

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:50, 28 January 2014
About this whole separate-page thing...


Do you even remember what you were contending for?

Nope (talk)22:08, 28 January 2014

As I said, Trigger and I ruled that out, and I was asking for other people's opinions on the matter.

Kapra - (Talk)22:09, 28 January 2014