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About this whole separate-page thing...

The orbs can be filled with a broken cylinder, and just a guard cylinder or just a cylinder isn't enough to get the orbs.

Meru (talk)22:31, 28 January 2014

If you have a guard cylinder equipped with a broke cylinder, it can be filled. I'm not sure if that works the other way around.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:32, 28 January 2014

Agreed, why does that mean it can't be on those pages? It's not like we say you can use it with JUST a Cylinder or JUST a Guard Cylinder, we say the truth, it needs both to appear.

Kapra - (Talk)22:47, 28 January 2014

Mishap on my part when I typed it information.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)22:50, 28 January 2014

I think a line saying that on the pages would be good with a link to the elemental wave page.

Meru (talk)22:55, 28 January 2014

Acceptable, but why not the section?

Kapra - (Talk)23:04, 28 January 2014

The section adds a lot of bulk to what should be a plain list of cylinders for comparison. At least that's how I see lists. Would probably fit better in the category sections, but it still is a massive wall of information, and isn't really a main function of cylinders. Comparing to the pretty much extremely basic information that's on the swords list page. It's a main function of a skill, and I think it should match up with how invigorating encore is set up. What it already has now on the page is good.

Meru (talk)23:24, 28 January 2014

Actually, if you the category sections, they have all the same information from List pages. They literally transclude the entire page minus the list because Categories already have alphabetical text based lists. Meaning, edit the List Page, Category Page gets edited too, automatically.. The current function of List pages is to make a more attractive description of each weapon type and have an attractive organization, nobody likes the ways categories look.

And it has been established that it is not a direction function of the skill and I really wish people will stop saying that without proper evidence other than saying you get x from y.

I think rather, the intention should be to make the section smaller, than excluding it from those pages.

Kapra - (Talk)00:04, 29 January 2014