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Moonlight Island

Item Name Item(s) Required Island Skill Required Islander Skill Lv. Island EXP Islander EXP Production Capacity Cost Islander Endurance Cost Time required
[edit]Template Documentation

This template is used to automatically format the crafting lists that can be found within Moonlight Island.

Use the following parameters:

Parameter Used in Details
Type Header name, table color Accepted values:
Name The item's name. Do not use brackets; the template will do that for you.
Materials Materials required for the crafting, separated by a comma. Do not use brackets; the template will do that for you.
IslandSkill Names of the Island Skills, separated by a comma. The island skills required to craft the item. Enter 'None' if no skills are needed.
IslanderLv The Islander Level required to craft the item, before any boons. Enter the number.
IslanderLv The Islander Level required to craft the item, before any boons. Enter the number.
IslandEXP / IslanderEXP The experience obtained to craft the item, before any boons. Enter the number.
Endurance The Endurance cost to craft the item, before any boons. Enter the number.
Time The Islander Level required to craft the item, before any boons. Enter the number.