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Talk:Merchant Group Commerce

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Under Construction219:14, 10 May 2024

Under Construction

Not sure if this whole thing should be it's own page, or shoved into the current commerce system. Either way, this page is currently separate for easier editing without the fear of destroying a page since the current state heavily lacks information of the Group Commerce system.

Letus (talk)03:37, 8 May 2024

To Do:
Grind On-Foot Commerce to get more hidden chests for a better sample of rewards (and I suspect possible traps.) As well to see if the Bandits will scale. so far seems like the bandit difficulty still doesn't for on-ground travel.
Transfer Group Commodities to this Page in case it will be a standalone page.
Transfer info for the Airship as per the above statement.
Make an area for both of the above.
Get a GIF of the Red Dragon Charging and Attacking--hopefully both in one GIF
Make the Images not a wall
Update Party page to include information of Group Commerce.
Link keywords and make redirects

Letus (talk)14:08, 8 May 2024

need to see if the base damage of the ballista is different

Letus (talk)19:14, 10 May 2024