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Talk:Embattled Boss Event (2012)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Not Getting Rewards1318:50, 2 December 2012
Rewards422:14, 30 November 2012
Caravan Joe422:04, 30 November 2012

Not Getting Rewards

I have done this event 5 times over the last 60 hours or so and I have only got the ap potion, commerce reforge tool and the chests at the end of the mission once. Anyone else not getting the rewards?

Godwrath1 (talk)21:33, 1 December 2012
(you may only receive one of each per real-life day)


—Bottom of page

Im pretty sure that 60 hours is more than one day kevin

Godwrath1 (talk)23:24, 1 December 2012

60 hours? The event didn't even start past 2 days ago.


I haven't been getting any chests at the end either.

Godwrath1 (talk)23:25, 1 December 2012

How far past did you get in the event?

We got past the part where we had to kill the boss and failed on the part where we had to protect him every time we tried. Only once did we get chests though. What time did the event start? It seems like it's been more than two days.

Godwrath1 (talk)23:36, 1 December 2012

It started after yesterday's maintenance, if I'm not mistaken.

You have to protect the boss for at least 1 round, I think. Although, our team had failed somewhere in the middle of the 3rd round and we still received 3 chests each.

Ok, it has definitely been more than a two days and I'm still not getting any ap5 potion other than the one I got right when the event started. My friend told me that it should give me the same quest again but it hasn't. He has got 3 ap5 potions off of this event so far.

Godwrath1 (talk)17:26, 2 December 2012

Really? I've only gotten the quest once and still received an AP potion for each day I've done it.

Also, you should've have received an AP potion for when the event started; it comes at the end of the shadow mission.

Oh well, I guess I'm just unlucky. I submitted a ticket and I'm just going to wait and hope they fix it.

Godwrath1 (talk)18:50, 2 December 2012

Send a ticket then, we can't solve problems like those here.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)17:40, 2 December 2012

I wasn't asking for the people here to fix the problem. If you had read my first post you would see that I was asking if anyone else was having the same problems or if it was just me.

Godwrath1 (talk)17:43, 2 December 2012

Sorry, but if you guys could, can everyone who've added rewards to this page please add them again in the appropriate sections to the bottom of the Shadow Mission Captain Assembly page? Thanks!

i added all that i remembered. i think i left out some. .___.

also, where should i put the stuff about controlling a bisque doll?

Aesthetics (talk)22:08, 30 November 2012

That should probably go in the item page or the shadow mission page. Or both.


Also, are you sure all the things you're adding are from the fail chest? I didn't add the previously listed items because I have no idea whether their rewards were from success or fails. The old list can be found here.


I'm pretty sure all of the items are from the fail chest, the server lag pretty much failed everyone lol, but I can remove the ones I'm unsure about.

Aesthetics (talk)22:14, 30 November 2012

Caravan Joe

"Form a party of 3-6 players
at 20 o'clock! Visit me to join the event.
However, you must start by 20:10!
Any later than that, and you'll have to wait another 2 hours!"

What is a Boss Mission?
"The Boss Mission is a grand festival in which you fight
mysterious enemies who have transformed into various boss monsters!
If you win, you'll receive a tremendous amount of EXP and Gold,
and a ton of treasure chests from Shadow Missions!
You will also get one AP +5 potion every day and an incomplete Commerce Reforging Tool. Collect 10 of the tools,
and you'll get a complete Commerce Reforging Tool!
This kind of opportunity doesn't come around all the time!"

Sori (talk)19:42, 30 November 2012

It looks cool but.... It's 8pm real time x_x

Gaby5011 (talk)19:55, 30 November 2012

What does it mean when it says you'll have to wait another two hours? >___> If the event starts is at 20:00 PST irl then ... would there be another one at 22:00 .. ? This is so confusing. Why didn't they make a stupid event page about this on Nexon's website.

Aesthetics (talk)19:57, 30 November 2012

Sabina said, it starts every even hour. (2,4,6,8,10,12) here.

Kiyoura (talk)19:58, 30 November 2012

I'm guessing he'll keep changing the "20 o'clock" every time.

Sori (talk)22:04, 30 November 2012