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Talk:Cookie Wand Event (2009)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Enemies that cannot be cookiefied?

Anyone have anything to add to said list?

--Sai 14:18, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

Stat Bonus

So far, I'm paying attention to the stat bonuses. All the Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry bonuses are the same. Vanilla: 16 Stam, 7 Dex, 7 Will Chocolate: 16 HP, 7 Str, 7 Will Strawberry: 16 MP, 7 Int, 7 Will

I'll add it on the wiki, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong --Kentngo 15:16, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

Cookie wands

Can they be kept after the event? Any other post event info would be nice, if you could find any. Lhazzal 09:11, 28 September 2009 (UTC)

I don't think we'll actually know until the event has ended. --Aramet (Talk) 15:48, 28 September 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Something wrong with the event? Or my client?013:39, 16 November 2011
Something wrong with the event? Or my client?213:32, 16 November 2011

Something wrong with the event? Or my client?

A thread, Thread:Talk:Cookie Wand Event (2009-09-23 to 2009-10-06)/Something wrong with the event? Or my client?, was moved from here to Talk:Cookie Wand Event (2011). This move was made by Pyrus (talk | contribs) on 16 November 2011 at 20:39.

Something wrong with the event? Or my client?

I went to Cor to get a cookie wand, and I got the quest for it completed when I talked to the boy, but NEITHER the boy nor the otter have the cookie wands available in their shops! Am I doing something wrong? Is this an issue others have? My client is completely clean, I have NO mods on it, so I have no idea whats wrong! (QQ)

Yuuka13:21, 16 November 2011
Pyro - (Talk)13:27, 16 November 2011

Thats weird... a duplicate thread?

someone delete?[edit]

Yuuka13:32, 16 November 2011