Main items
 Adventurer's L-Rod (Two-handed Blunt)
 Royal Control Bar (Reforge: Rank 1)
 Noble Control Bar (Reforge: Rank 1)
 Marionette Umbrella (One-handed Blunt)
 Special Crow Feather Suit (M)
 Special Crow Feather Suit (M) preview
 Special Crow Feather Dress (F)
 Special Crow Feather Dress (F) preview
 Crow Feather Suit (M)
 Crow Feather Suit (M) preview
 Crow Feather Dress (F)
 Crow Feather Dress (F) preview
 Cessair Commander Outfit (Reforge: Rank 1)
 Divine Demigod Suit (M)
 Divine Demigod Suit (F)
 Special Adorable Pintuck Suit (M)
 Special Adorable Frill Dress (F)
 Adorable Pintuck Suit (M)
 Adorable Frill Dress (F)
 Crow Feather Wig (M)
 Crow Feather Wig (M) preview
 Crow Feather Wig and Headband (M)
 Crow Feather Wig and Headband (M) preview
 Crow Feather Wig (F)
 Crow Feather Wig (F) preview
 Crow Feather Wig and Headband (F)
 Crow Feather Wig and Headband (F) preview
 Divine Demigod Horn
 Divine Demigod Wig (M)
 Divine Demigod Horn and Wig (M)
 Divine Demigod Wig (F)
 Divine Demigod Horn and Wig (F)
 Adorable Wig (M)
 Adorable Wig (F)
 Adorable Wig and Headpiece (F)
 Crow Feather Gloves (M)
 Crow Feather Gloves (M) preview
 Crow Feather Gloves (F)
 Crow Feather Gloves (F) preview
 Cessair Commander Gloves (Reforge: Rank 1)
 Divine Demigod Glove
 Crow Feather Boots (M)
 Crow Feather Boots (M) preview
 Crow Feather Boots (F)
 Crow Feather Boots (F) preview
 Cessair Commander Boots (Reforge: Rank 1)
 Divine Demigod Boots (M)
 Divine Demigod Boots (F)
 Adorable Boots (M)
 Adorable Shoes (F)
Wings and Robes
 Abyssal Crow Wings
 Abyssal Crow Wings preview
 Midnight Crow Wings
 Midnight Crow Wings preview
 Dynamic Crow Wings
 Dynamic Crow Wings preview
 Abyssal Raven Wings
 Abyssal Raven Wings preview
 Midnight Raven Wings
 Midnight Raven Wings preview
 Dynamic Raven Wings
 Dynamic Raven Wings preview
 Nuadha Robe (M)
 Nuadha Robe (F)
 Adventurer Robe (M)
 Adventurer Robe (F)
 Cessair Officer Robe
 Abyssal Crow Feather Halo
 Abyssal Crow Feather Halo preview
 Dynamic Crow Feather Halo
 Dynamic Crow Feather Halo preview
 Midnight Crow Feather Halo
 Midnight Crow Feather Halo preview
Title Coupons
 Special Hand of Death 2nd Title Coupon
 Special Hand of Death 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Special Dark Dynamis 2nd Title Coupon
 Special Dark Dynamis 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Special Voidal Butterfly 2nd Title Coupon
 Special Voidal Butterfly 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Hand of Death 2nd Title Coupon
 Hand of Death 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Dark Dynamis 2nd Title Coupon
 Dark Dynamis 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Voidal Butterfly 2nd Title Coupon
 Voidal Butterfly 2nd Title Coupon preview
 Cloaked in Shadows 2nd Title Coupon
 Stalked By Shadows 2nd Title Coupon
 One with the Shadows 2nd Title Coupon
Dye Ampoules
 Crow Feather Outfit Dye Ampoule Set #20202E #0D0D03 #0C0893 #CBCED5 #A18568 #ECEAEE #151516 #1F1F21 #232328 #2625A2 #A59392 #1A1A1B #2F2C2C
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #000000
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #16162C
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #309DD9
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #680618
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #B7D5E3
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #EAA44A
 Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #FFFFFF
 Crow's Nest Chair
 Crow's Nest Chair preview
 Forlorn Tree Swing
 Forlorn Tree Swing preview
Homestead Items
 Homestead White Chess Piece Package Box
 Homestead White Chess Piece Package Box preview
 Homestead Black Chess Piece Package Box
 Homestead Black Chess Piece Package Box preview
 Homestead Black Chess Board Package Box
 Homestead Black Chess Board Package Box preview
 Homestead White Chess Board Package Box
 Homestead White Chess Board Package Box preview
 Light Physical Power Potion (2 Hours) (Quantity: 5)
 Light Magic Power Potion (2 Hours) (Quantity: 5)
 Light Magic Speed Potion (2 Hours) (Quantity: 5)
 Combat 4x EXP Potion (30 min)
 Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Can be traded once)
 Speed Walk Potion 40% (30 min)
 Crusader 2x EXP Potion (30 min) (Quantity: 5)
Training Potions
 Stampede Training Potion
 Final Strike Training Potion
 Control Marionette Training Potion
 Pierrot Marionette Training Potion
 Colossus Marionette Training Potion
 Act 2: Threshold Cutter Training Potion
 Act 1: Inciting Incident Training Potion
 Act 4: Rising Action Training Potion
 Act 6: Crisis Training Potion
 Act 7: Climactic Crash Training Potion
 Act 9: Invigorating Encore Training Potion
 Wire Pull Training Potion
 Puppet's Snare Training Potion
 Shuriken Mastery Training Potion
 Shuriken Charge Training Potion
 Kunai Storm Training Potion
 Shadow Bind Training Potion
 Explosive Kunai Training Potion
 Smokescreen Training Potion
 Sakura Abyss Training Potion
Appearance Scrolls
 Crow Knuckle Appearance Scroll
 Crow Knuckle Appearance Scroll preview
 Crow Dual Gun Appearance Scroll
 Crow Dual Gun Appearance Scroll preview
 Crow Sword Appearance Scroll
 Crow Sword Appearance Scroll preview
Gesture Cards
 Rage Gesture Card
 Splat Gesture Card
 Shiver Gesture Card
 Cheer Gesture Card
 Collapse Gesture Card
 Clumsy Gesture Card
 Dizzy Gesture Card
 Tap Dance Gesture Card
 Left Arm Pillow Gesture Card
 Right Arm Pillow Gesture Card
 Cheers Gesture Card
 Barf Gesture Card
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Black Fog)
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Black Fog) preview
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Crow Feathers)
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Crow Feathers) preview
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Black Crows)
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Black Crows) preview
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (White Crows)
 Spirit Transformation Liqueur (White Crows) preview
File:Lorna's Gold Box.png Lorna's Gold Box
 Pan's Goldbox
 Lorna's Special Gold Box
 Pan's Special Gold Box
 Potent Shadow Crystal Upgrade Coupon
 Potent Fine Shadow Crystal Upgrade Coupon
 Potent Finest Shadow Crystal Upgrade Coupon
 Pan's Gold Box Upgrade Coupon
 Lorna's Gold Box Upgrade Coupon
 Homestead Golden Sprout (Quantity: 10)
 Sky Blue Prism Box (Quantity: 10)
 Purple Prism Box
 Green Prism Box
 Red Prism Box
 Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
 Crystal Hammer of Durability (Fully-tradeable variant)
 Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
 Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
 Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
 Brass Grandmaster Certificate
 Partner Likeability Increase Candy (30) (Quantity: 5)
 Partner Stress Relief Candy (100) (Quantity: 5)