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Champions of Commerce Event (2022)

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Champions of Commerce Event (2022)
June 16th, 2022 - June 30th, 2022


The Great Era of Commerce is among us, Milletians, and it is time to become the Champions of Commerce! Check in with Commerce Joe and complete all of the Commerce objectives. Can you rise to the top of the Rankings Board and become the Number 1 Commerce Champion? Check out the details below. [1]


Commerce Joe's Trade Journal UI

Today's Objective

  • Every day, you will be tasked with Today's Objective.
    • Perform Commerce - 3 times a day
      • After completing 3 Commerce trades, you will receive 15 Commerce Coins.
        • Note: Commerce trades conducted through Smugglers will not be counted.
    • Setting Up the Iria Trading Posts - once a day
      • Commerce Joe has a selection of missions for you to lend a hand with the efforts to get the Iria Trading Posts up and running.
      • Choose a mission and you will be sent straight to the location (enter the mission).
      • On your first clear, you will receive 15 Commerce Coins.
      • For each time you clear, up to 5 times per day, you will receive 5 Commerce Coins.
      • The Longa Oasis, Pera Volcano, Errans Gorge, and Lunae Valley missions have the player face five waves of increasingly difficult commerce bandits.
      • The Karu Forest Mission is similar to the above, except that the player will be teleported after automatically speaking to Commerce Joe (following each wave).
      • The Calida Camp Mission has the player defend a single stationary wagon full of 100 supply units. Three lanes of enemies will spawn each wave and bandits will steal 3 supply units if they reach the wagon.
      • The Suytu River Mission has the player defend five stationary wagons collectively full of 100 supply units. Waves of enemies will spawn and attempt to steal from one of the wagons. Three of the bandits (and only those three) will continuously steal supplies from the wagons if allowed.
  • After clearing both objectives, you will receive the following items:
    • 20 Commerce Coins
    • Trading Post Merchant Rating Potion (7000) New!
      • Use this potion to select a Trading Post and increase your Trading Post Merchant Rating by 7,000.
      • If you use the potion after the Great Era of Commerce Update (June 30th), you can increase the Merchant Rating of the Iria continent's Trading Post.
      • The potion can only be used once per day in-game time. It can be used again after 7 AM Erinn time.
  • The daily objectives will reset at 7:00am PDT100 in real-time.

Event Period Objectives

  • During the event period, you will be tasked with the following objectives:
    • Commerce Count [Today's Objective]
      • Complete Today's Objective 10 times by performing Commerce.
    • Setting Up the Iria Trading Posts [Today's Objective]
      • Complete Today's Objective 10 times by clearing the mission through Commerce Joe.
    • Uladh Trading Post Merchant Rating Total
      • Raise your Uladh Trading Post Merchant Rating and reach a cumulative total of Level 30 between all 8 Uladh Trading Posts.
        • Note: If your Trading Post Merchant Rating is already at or above a cumulative Level 30, the objective will be completed when you register the main character for the event.
  • After clearing the objectives, you will receive the following rewards:
    • Commerce Champion Erg Material Box New!
    • New Commerce Transport Mount Coupon New!
      • This item can be used after the Great Era of Commerce Update on June 30th.
      • Use this coupon to obtain the newly added Transport Mounts, the Dog Sled and the Camel, for free during the first Trade Season.
      • The coupon item will expire in 30 days.
    • Note: The rewards will be sent to your inventory automatically upon finishing all 3 objectives.

Commerce Champion Rankings

  • During the event, you can raise your Commerce Activity Score and Commerce Count.
    • Commerce Activity Score
      • Each point of EXP earned through Commerce will grant one point of Commerce Activity Score.
    • Commerce Count
      • Commerce Count is increased by 1 when all Trade Goods are sold and commerce is completed.
  • Rankings are calculated by the total amount of Commerce Points Earned and the Commerce Count you achieve.
    • The goods traded via purchasing from Scathach Beach are not counted towards your Commerce Activity Score.
    • The higher the Commerce Points Earned are, the higher rank you will be.
    • If any scores are tied, the player with the higher Commerce Count will be considered to be the higher rank.
    • If you have a higher Commerce Count but lower Commerce Points Earned, you will be ranked lower on the list.
  • From Commerce Joe's Trade Journal, click on View Commerce Champion Rankings to see the Ranking list.
    • The player who reaches the highest Commerce Points Earned and highest Commerce Count first will receive the ranking reward.
    • The rankings are updated every hour.
    • You can view your score and place on the ranking list from this menu.
  • Ranking Rewards will be awarded to the top 100 players with the highest Commerce Activity Score during the event period.
Placing Rewards
1st Place 100 Million Gold Storage Chest
2nd - 10th Place Commerce Champion Special Outfit Shopping Bag New!
11th - 50th Place Red Eye Ceraunus Whistle
51st - 100th Place 5 Million Gold Storage Chest
  • The distribution of rewards for the Top 100 players will be completed after the June 30th maintenance.

Commerce Joe's Commerce Coin Shop

Reward Name Expires Commerce Coin.png
Cost (Commerce Coins)
Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass (Event) 30 Days 100
Unrestricted Dungeon Pass (Event) 30 Days 100
Combat Quadruple EXP Potion (30 min) (Event) 30 Days 200
Special Tendering Potion S (Event)
(Duration: 20 mins)
30 Days 50
Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box (Chest) 30 Days 200
Combat 2x EXP Potion (30 min) 30 Days 50
Stardust Regulator Frame Connector x10 Box New!
(Can be used to add 10 Stardust Regulator Frame Connector materials to your Stardust Material menu)
(Cannot be used if Stardust is not unlocked.)
- 50
Stardust Core Binding Agent x10 Box New!
(Can be used to add 10 Stardust Core Binding Agent materials to your Stardust Material menu)
(Cannot be used if Stardust is not unlocked.)
- 50
Mysterious Spirit Stone (100%) (Not tradable) 7 Days 250

Commerce Champion Erg Material Box List

Commerce Champion Special Outfit Shopping Bag List

  • Select one of the Special Outfits from the following list to obtain it from the Shopping Bag.
  • The outfit is a permanent item, with no expiration.
  • The outfit selected can be traded and stored in the Dressing Room.
  • See Commerce Champion Special Outfit Shopping Bag for the item drop list.


  • These quests are given to any character that logs in during the duration of the event.
    • Once a main character has been selected, all other characters on the account will have this quest removed.

[Guide] Champions of Commerce

How to Get Quest

Log in during the event period

Briefing A new day dawns for traders seeking the riches of the vast continent of Iria!
At long last, trading posts are being built in Iria, and we look forward to the help of all Milletians as we prepare for an age of intercontinental commerce.
Come find me in Dunbarton's Town Square!
I've been dubbed Commerce Joe and made an honorary member of the Iria Trading Post Consultancy Group.
Pretty spiffy, huh?
- Commerce Joe
