- For similar events, see Mabinogi Quiz Show (disambiguation).
- For a page with just the answers, see OX Quiz Event/Questions.
- Feb 16th, 2017 - March 7th, 2017
Caravan Joe's O-X Quiz advertisement
Upon logging in, find the Orange Wing of the Goddess item in your inventory that will transport you to the Quiz grounds
Enter the Quiz Area before the start of each hour in order to participate in that round of questions. At the start of each hour, the Quiz area will be blocked off and the challenge commences!
All participants will be given a statement that is either True or False, and given a short time to select their answer. If you think the statement is True, then run into the blue O box. If you believe it to be False, get into the red X box!
If your answer is correct, you'll receive between 1-5x Chaotic OX Quiz Coupons, based on the number of Caravan Joe's in the area for the correct area, and you'll stick around for another question.
If your answer is wrong, you receive no coupons and will be removed from the Quiz area.
Stop the numerous Caravan Joes from making his way into the zone for the correct answer with melee attacks. The fewer there are in the correct answer's zone, the more Coupons you'll receive!
Trade your Coupons into the OX Quiz Helper for a variety of prizes.
- You must be in the event area before the hour begins and stand within the area that will be blocked off
- There is a total of 10 statements per session both related to Mabinogi itself and unrelated to Mabinogi
- Determine whether they are true or false by moving your character inside the 'O' if it is true or the 'X' if it is false
- You have 30 seconds to determine whether each statement is true or false
- If you move your character inside the square in the last second even if it is correct you will be moved outside the enclosure.
- Once the enclosure is up Caravan Joes will spawn and a gauge will be displayed in the top right hand corner of the screen
- The gauge indicates how many Chaotic OX Quiz Coupons you will receive if you give the correct answer
- Less Caravan Joes within the correct answer spot will fill the gauge higher giving more coupons (you can get 1-5 coupons per round).
- If you get the correct answer you will receive the 1-5 coupons for that round and move on to the next round
- If you are incorrect you will be moved from the enclosure and will receive no coupons for that round
- If you are able to get all 10 answers correct in a single session you will receive a Normal OX Quiz Box in addition to the coupons for that round.
- You may exchange your Chaotic OX Quiz Coupons for prizes with the OX Quiz Helper (see below).
Tips and Advice
- Make sure you are in the lines before the timer runs out being on the lines may not count.
- Sometimes it is better to just let the Caravan Joes go. If they are leaving you may knock them back into the square.
- You can only use melee attacks during the event and you won't be able to use skills.
- Use Ctrl + N, Ctrl + P and / to reduce lag during the event this will hide names, parties and minimize characters.
- Consider doing the event on a less crowded channel rather than a merchant channel to reduce lag.
- Be careful when having chat windows up as you may type in these instead of walking into the correct square.
- Accidently starting a conversation with the Quiz Show Emcee in the middle of the area may cause you to walk out of the square.
- It is recommended you check the list below rather than google search as some correct answers will come up as incorrect.
- When in doubt follow the crowd. This does not always work however it may be useful if you know someone who normally answers correctly.
- Some players who have already been eliminated may sneak in the enclosure. They will not do the 'O' or 'X' gesture after each round.
Use Ctrl + F to find statements easily.
Note: Do not correct spelling or the category when adding statements type exactly as it appears in game.
Some statements may be true but show up as false during the quiz and vice versa.
See also OX Quiz Event/Questions.
- Mabinogi Related
- Alexina at Qilla Base Camp sells L-rods.
- Alexina at Qilla Base sells Boarding Passes.
- Austeyn in Dunbarton has a lot of money.
- Arrow Revolver is a skill only Humans can learn.
- Dilys is at the Tir Chonaill Healer's House.
- Elves can go into Beast Mode.
- Emerald Golems can be found deep withing the Hillwen Mine
- Giants can go into Beast Mode.
- Humans can dual wield Broad Swords.
- Humans must equip a shield to learn the Charge skill.
- In G10, there are 4 clues about Neamhain.
- Lezarro is the Minister of Internal Affairs.
- Lorna's known companion is a Sheep named Pan.
- Neamhain is a goddess.
- Only 5 participants may join the Former Attack Shadow Mission.
- Red Skeletons can appear in Rabbie Dungeon.
- Reus River is in Iria.
- Sharp Mind is a skill that allows you to read your opponent's skills.
- Stamina recovery potions are yellow.
- Skeleton Wolves can appear in Rabbie Dungeon.
- Ten is the minimum number of musicians needed for a band to be considered a "big band."
- The area between Emain Macha and Tara is Blago Prarie.
- There are 17 lit candles in the Tara Bank.
- Windmill Training Methods include [Defeat several powerful enemies at once].
- You can dance in Mabinogi.
- You can farm in Mabinogi.
- You can obtain titles in Mabinogi by fulfilling special conditions.
- You can weave in Mabinogi.
- Mabinogi Unrelated
- 49 divided by 7 is 7.
- A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
- A fully-ripened cranberry can be bounced like a basketball.
- A shrimp's heart is in its head.
- A soccer field is also known as a football pitch.
- A quarter has 119 grooves around the edge.
- Actor Jack Lemon was born in a hospital elevator in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Al Pacino appeared in all three Godfather movies.
- Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car
- All trees are perennial
- Apollo 11 was the first to land on the moon. (incomplete)
- Amy Winehouse is part of the '27 Club' of musicians
- Anna is a palindrome.
- Angelo Badalamenti wrote thescore for "Twin Peaks".
- ATI creates Radeon video cards.
- Baby eels are called elver.
- Billy Dee Williams applied for the role of Han Solo
- Butterflies taste with their feet
- Call of Duty 4: Soap is the nickname of the player character, MacTavish.
- Canada is the second largest country, by size of land, in the world.
- Capsaicin is the active component in peppers that makes them spicy.
- Christopher Nolan is the director of the 2008 film "The Dark Knight"
- Cow Tongue is a popular ingredent in Mexican Tacos.
- Curtis Hansom directed the movie "8 Mile".
- Dallas, Texas is further south than San Diego, California.
- Dark Chocolate that's high in Cocoa is good for treating high blood pressure.
- Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father.
- Deer usually sleep during the day, and eat when the sun is going down.
- Donatello wears a purple eye mask in Ninja Turtles.
- Drew Barrymore played Lucy in the movie "50 First Dates".
- Drum kits normally have two tom-tom drums.
- Final Fantasy VII was originally released in 1997
- Five states in the United States have Pacific Ocean coastline.
- France directly south of Estonia (INCOMPLETE)
- Full Metal Alchemist: Maes Hughes is an old friend of Roy Mustang
- Gene Roddenberry originally named the iconic starship in Star Trek 'Yorktown'.
- Gillian Anderson provided the voice for Moro in the English localization of Princess Mononoke.
- Hydrogen plus oxygen equals water.
- In "Back to the Future", the DeLorean was used as a time machine.
- In Ghostbusters, the Proton Pack was developed by Egon Spengler. (wording is probably wrong)
- In the movie 'The Incredibles', Dash's powers allowed him to run across the top of water.
- In the Super Nintendo game Super Mario Kart; Bowser had the highest top speed, but the slowest acceleration.
- In Star Trek, the Romulans and Vulcans are racial ancestral cousins.
- Jennifer Aniston played Grace in the movie "Bruce Almighty"
- Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system
- King of the Hill was created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels
- Metal gear was first released in 1987.
- Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York
- Mick Karn was known for playing fretless bass.
- More turkeys are raised in California than in any other state.
- Nancy Cartwright voices Ralph Wiggum on The Simpsons.
- Naruto: Aoi was a Leaf village Jonin who tricked his student Idate into stealing the Raijin sword.
- Naruto: Nara is Shikamaru's clan, Aburame is Shino's and Uchiha is Sasuke's.
- Neil Armstrong was the person to walk on the moon.
- New Order was formed by some of the original members of Joy Division
- New York is known as the 'Big Apple'.
- No words in the English Language rhyme with 'month','orange','purple' or 'silver'.
- Oregon has the most ghost towns of any state.
- Pac-man is over 30 years old.
- Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars.
- Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- Peanuts originated from South America.
- Plants can suffer from jet lag?
- Ruben Studdard won the second season of American Idol. (accuracy?)
- Scooby Doo's first name is Scoobert.
- Sheering a Sheeptuplet pet will give you Golden Magical Wool
- Silver is the name of the Lone Ranger's horse.
- Simpsons: Manjula is Apu's wife.
- South Park: Cartman always makes fun of Kyle's religion
- South Park: Jesus had a talk show called "Jesus and Pals"
- Sprite is manufactured by the Coca-cola Company.
- Squirtle is a water type of Pokemon
- Steve-O was a professional clown before appearing on television.
- Steven Spielberg directed Twilight Zone: The Movie
- The Atari LYNX was the first color handheld video game console.
- The average ant can pull 30 times its own weight.
- The center of the earth is hotter than the surface of the sun.
- The country with the highest pineapple production is Thailand
- The Disney cartoon character Goofy has a son named Max.
- The first African American Major League Baseball player was Jackie Robinson.
- The first Ford cars has Dodge engines.
- The first Japanese car sold in the United States was the Honda Accord.
- The first professional baseball team was the Cincinnati Red Stockings
- The Ghost Chili is hotter than the Habanero chili.
- The "half-life" the research facility was located in New Mexico.
- The hedgehog pets in Mabinogi provide bonuses when two owners bring together two different colored hedgehogs.
- The Imperial measurement system is used in the United States.
- The Mercenaries military third-person shooter was published by Lucas Arts.
- The name of the dog on Cracker Jack boxes in "Bingo."
- The NATO phonetic pronunciation of Q is 'Quebec'.
- The Nintendo 64 game F-Zero-X contains Rainbow Road
- The numbers 1-9 are reserved for quarterbacks, kickers, and punters in the National Football League.
- The only even prime number is 2
- The ship number of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek is NCC-1701.
- The Simpsons have had a total of five cats.
- The slogan for Nintendo 64 was "Get N or get out."
- The square root of 144 is 12.
- The state of Florida is large than England.
- The Transplants rock band includes members from Rancid and Blink 182.
- The two Pokemon Ekans and Arbok have hidden words spelled backwards.
- There are 206 bones in the adult human body
- Tigers have striped skin as well as just striped fur.
- Tim Story is the director of the 2005 movie Fantastic Four.
- Titan, one of Saturn's moons, is larger than the planet Mercury.
- Venus is the eighth planet closest to the Sun.
- Weird Al Yankovic parodied one of Michael Jackson's songs with his own rendition, "Fat".
- When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart
- Yoko Kanno is a sountrack composer and musician.
- You are able to pick up Chickens in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
- Mabinogi Related
- In dungeons, all doors require a key.
- Dorren in Taillteann is a woman in her 20s.
- It never rains in Emain Macha.
- Lezarro is Andras's uncle.
- Mabinogi means Song of Royal Subjects.
- Morrighan is a beautiful Elf.
- Morrighan is a normal Human.
- Morrighan's main skill is the 540-degree Spinning Kick.
- Tara, the capital of the Aliech Kingdom, is in Iria.
- The Silver Bone Archer uses Counterattack.
- There is a furnace inside the Dunbarton Healer's House.
- When you Rebirth, everything resets to level 1, including your skills.
- You cannot wear a robe in Tara because it's against the law to do so.
- You can jam alone in the Rath Royal Castle Music Room because no one is there.
- You cannot trade in Mabinogi.
- Mabinogi Unrelated
- A cubic mile of ordinary fog contains about 30 gallons of water.
- A hatchback car means that the engine is in the back of the car.
- A Katana sword is a traditional battle sword from India.
- A trumpet cannot be played without a mouthpiece.
- A tuba is a member of the Percussion section.
- A4, A6, A8, and S4 are all Mercedes car models.
- Abraham Lincoln appears on the American
- Adniel is the greatest Black Dragon in Iria.
- An anthropologist is a person who studies rocks.
- Arabic is the most common language spoken in Africa.
- Ben Templesmith is from New Zealand.
- Chicago, Illinois is further north than Detroit, Michigan.
- Cinco de Mayo is celebrated because it is Mexican Independence Day.
- Claimh Solas, after his blade awakening, doesn't have wings.
- Cylinder are not used in alchemy.
- Dark Knight is a character in world of warcraft
- Denver, Colorado is further south than Kansas City, Missouri.
- Earnest Hemingway had two wives.
- Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem about a crow that harped relentlessly on a lone man in his study.
- Edouard Manet was known as a cubist painter.
- Final Fantasy VII: Cloud Strife is a former leader of AVALANCHE.
- Family Guy: Seth MacFarlane does the voice for Cleveland Brown.
- Full Metal Alchemist: Kimblee created 6 total chimeras
- Goats have strong stomachs that allow them to eat metal scraps like tin cans.
- Hamlet said, "Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast."
- Hard man was a robot master in Mega Man 5.
- Helinski is the capital of Finland.
- Holding Shift and pressing the '4' key on a keyboard will bring up a '%" symbol.
- Horus is the Egyptian god of the sun.
- Kobe Bryant scored 81 points in one game against the Toronto Raptors.
- In the anime Chobits, the location of Chi's power switch is in the back of the neck.
- In Star Wars, Chewbacca and Yoda were not friends.
- In the continental United States, California has the longest coastline.
- In the Digimon TV show, Megaseadramon is beat by MetalGreymon
- In the video game Metal Gear Solid, Solid Snake's real name is Adam.
- Infiniti is just a higher end Mazda car.
- Interstate 10 in the United States goes through Oklahoma.
- Interstate 81 in the United States goes through Maine.
- Jake and Elwood are the names of the Blues Brothers.
- Horatio becomes a king at the end of Hamlet.
- King of the Hill: Hank sells cellphones and cellphone accessories.
- Larry Bird is the name of a character in the movie Madagascar.
- Lebron James has 2 NBA scoring titles.
- Lemons originated from Europe
- Lisa was the name of the little girl in "Silent Hill 2"
- Long Haul, Sideswipe and Ratchet are all names of wrestling moves.
- Los Angeles, California is further west than Portland, Oregon.
- Luigi's evil alter Ego is named Luigo.
- Mercury is the only liquid to appear on the Periodic table of Elements.
- Metal Gear: Vulcan Raven injects the blood of those he impersonates into his body.
- Michael Jordan's last NBA game was played on September 25, 2009
- Most guitars have seven strings.
- Niagara Falls is the highest waterfall in the world.
- Of Mice and Men was written by JD Salinger.
- One hydrogen
- One of the bugs that Timon pulls out of a knothole during Hakuna Matata is wearing Mickey Mouse ears.
- Our nose, eyes, and ears never stop growing until the day we die.
- Ozzy Osbourne was a famous singer that released songs like "Poison" and "School's Out".
- Pokemon Lavender is the highest grossing Pokemon version
- Polish is the only word in the English language that has two completely different meanings when the first letter is capitalized
- Resident Evil: Albert Wesker is the Helicopter pilot that tries to find Jill and Chris
- Raditz is Goku's younger brother in the show Dragon Ball Z.
- 187 is half of 364
- Sabina's favourite colour is purple.
- Sandra Bullock played Annette in the movie "Cruel Intentions"
- Sandy Peaks is a flavor of ice cream.
- Simpsons: Lance is Chief Wiggum's first name
- Simpsons: Terri and Sherri are Marge's twin sisters
- Superman's lover's name is Lois Lane.
- South Park: Kenny's family is very rich.
- The 2nd amendment of the US Constitution gives Americans the "right to assemble".
- The alter ego of Batman is Bruce Banner.
- The alter ego of the Martian Manhunter is John Stewart.
- The amplifier for the band Spinal Tap goes to 9.
- The ball on top of a flagpole is called an angel
- The closest country to the United States but does not share a border is Cuba.
- The country with the highest orange production is the United States.
- The eastern-most province or territory in Canada is Nova Scotia.
- The elevation of Miami, Florida is lower than Honolulu, Hawaii.
- The first NASA mission to arrive on the moon was Apollo 11.
- The flag of the state of Ohio has two blue triangles.
- The "Great Bambino" is a nickname for Bambi's father in the Disney movie Bambi.
- The largest passenger jet series in the world is a Boeing 747.
- The leader of the autobots is named Bumblebee.
- The Los Angeles Zoo has the largest collection of animals.
- The name of Grandpa Simpson's unit in World War II was the "Frying Hellfish".
- The national flag of Finland has a yellow cross.
- The NATO phonetic pronunciation of B is 'Beta'.
- The NATO phonetic pronunciation of G is 'Gamma'.
- The only king without a moustache in a traditional deck playing cards is the king of diamonds.
- The periodic symbol for Selenium is 'Sl.'
- The periodic symbol for Tin is 'Sb.'
- The Prime Meridian runs through the United States
- The S-Type Xbox controllers are a little bigger than the first-generation Xbox controllers.
- The shortest distance between two points is a sine curve.
- The slogan for Apple is "Innovation."
- The slogan for Folgers Coffee is "Good to the last drop."
- The slogan for Ford brand trucks is "Like a rock."
- the sun is approximately 4,000 times larger than the earth.
- The Sun is in the middle of our galaxy, as seen from outside our galaxy.
- "The taste of a new generation." is the slogan for Coca-Cola.
- Tigers have striped fur, not skin
- Wendy O. Koopa is Bowser's evil sister
- When typing on a keyboard with "Home Row typing" the word: "Stewardess" is typed with both hands.
- World of Warcraft: Cannibalize is a racial trait for the Orcs.
- Washington DC is a state of the United States.
- Washington is the rainiest state in the United States.
- You drive on the right side of the road in Australia.
Normal OX Quiz Box 2017 Prizes
- Rare Items
- Equipment
- Materials
- Potions
- Seeds
- Miscellaneous
Special OX Quiz Box 2017 Prizes
- Rare Items
- Equipment
- Free Repair Kits
- Gems
- Potions
- Miscellaneous
Chaotic OX Quiz Event
How to Get Quest
Log in during the Caravan Joe's O-X Quiz Event.
A caravan of Joes is crashing the OX Quiz Event! It's chaos! Please, help us get rid of him, er, them, er, AHHH! - OX Quiz Helper
Additional Information
You will obtain a Orange Wings of a Goddess when you log in.