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User talk:Vlykarye

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Why can't I delete my own posts?405:09, 21 August 2017

Why can't I delete my own posts?

Edited by author.
Last edit: 22:21, 28 October 2015

There are some things the human mind is not meant to comprehend.

Vlykarye (talk)22:18, 28 October 2015

Very wise, young grasshopper.

Vlykarye (talk)22:19, 28 October 2015

Why can't anyone?! (except mods)

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 05:09, 21 August 2017

If you need something deleted, use Template:Delete. You can use it for anything and someone will take care of it if there's a decent reason for it.

Blargel (talk)17:35, 30 October 2015

Ok, thanks.

Vlykarye (talk)18:32, 30 October 2015