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User talk:Aussie711

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Just some quick info..~Aussie♣


Don't just sign posts with my name on it unless you know 100% that it was my post. (Ex:[[Talk:Black Wolf]]) - Random

Yeah, that was a mistake. Sorry. x.x Aussie♣


Glad you're trying to help and all but as an aside, pipping in on discussion that died out long ago is kinda pointless. Especially when the opposing points were disregarded anyway.--Mystickskye 01:27, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

?? --Aussie♣

A lot of your recent edits have been comments or additions to discussions on Talk pages where the issue was either resolved or passed over for whatever reason loooooooong ago. Unless you have something new to add or bring up, there's no real point in doing so.--Mystickskye 13:18, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
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