Are you in the wrong place? Click here to my main page.
If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask for it. Not on as much anymore but if you need assistance from me contact Skidmark3 [Mari].
My main is:
- Level 1+ c:
- Royal Alchemist (every other week 'cause I can't hit 60 points a week with school and all..)
- Melee/Alchemist/Range/Prod
I provide the following services (only if you can catch me online):
Services I provide are subject to change on my whims and moods :I
- Synthesis
- Public service when I'm free on weekends
- Fragmentation
- Public service when I'm free on weekends
- Metal Conversion
- Does anybody even need this?
- Weaving
- Go synth them = =; Nobody needs refining anymore lol
- I'm not going to fish for you. e___e;
- Tailoring (working on it currently..kind of)
- will tailor if you find me
- Own a Nuadha Robe F
- Stop being lazy
- Start enchanting gear
- Maybe eventually rank Synthy to r1
- Rank 1 adv magics...
- Rank 1 Tailor...
- And tailor Rosemary and sig 'em 8D
- Get a Shamala F or Eirawen or Odran..
- Hit 20mil gold
- And subsequently squander it all away
- Buy another hebona robe..
- 600 base dex gogo
- 300 base str gogo
- Rank 1 enchant
- Sniper title qq
Accomplishments? I guess
- 8/18/12--Get RA and manage to keep it 8D (as opposed to losing it and never getting it back..)
- 10/22/12--Hit Exploration 25
- 1/6/13--Finally hit current 100 ._.