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Hi Im Aura of Nao, And between me and my guild we work on the wiki stuff where we can help. If you're reading this and not helping with the wiki then you should change that.

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posted 1647 days ago

That's automatic in most cases. You can see at the bottom of the item's page that the category is no longer there (you may need to enable viewing hidden categories in settings to see them, I forget)

posted 1647 days ago

Sure no problem, glad the video helped! When you go to the icon editor page directly, you can copy the page name into the Name field that shows up above the editor.

posted 1647 days ago

Hi Marina, have you tried watching the instructional video? It's linked in the written instructions on the page. If you have, what's giving you trouble, specifically? Looking at the icon that's uploaded, there's a white background, but there's no way for that to happen if you upload directly from the tool. Did you upload it a different way?