Still a wiki noob, please don't get too mad at me if I screw up.
Beware of
opinions, silly questions and self-memos
Cause asking these on talk pages is too silly apparently.
More as I remember them (wish I had started working on this list sooner)
- Do we really need 4 goddamn durability-based upgrade paths on the Mandolin page?
- Do we really need 402395267 upgrade paths split into categories all of the weapon pages back from early Gs? (exhibit A B C D E)
- Since the weapon pages have a tab for the spirit version of a weapon, could fomor versions be integrated as another tab into the pages?
- Need to add more abbreviations
- Skill list pages only show gunner skills as upcoming ones, even though there's more to that (engineering etc)
- Some skill pages still missing talent exp info
Fancy page not coming anytime soon.