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From Mabinogi World Wiki

Hi, I'm JoRo!

JonaRose Main Profile Image.png

Hello, this is my profile, I think. I'm JoRo, and I play Mabinogi a lot. I realized I could upload images of things other people haven't, since I've been playing a while and have a bunch of random things due to how I like to play, things that others haven't documented as much. I am going to use this to slowly get used to making webpages and the like, as I have been hosting my own website for resources for a different game slowly but surely. Additionally, I am still learning, so if you have any advice for how to improve what I am doing, please let me know!

It shouldn't be your job to fix my mistakes, but if you know how to fix my mistake, let me know how so I don't make the same one twice.

What do I like to do?

In Mabinogi? I enjoy working on crafting, setting up my homestead to be as useful as possible for my friends and making Glyphs! I like to give people that I like glyphs when I can, and I have a tendency to use mine til they break. Glyphs are super useful, and I will always try to get people to use them when I can. Glyphwright is my genuine favourite life talent.

Everywhere else? I like drawing and playing games with my friends. I have a tendency to play fighting games with them, even though I don't really like fighting games. I love just having something, ANYTHING to do, so if it makes them happy to play with me and let me spend time with them, that is awesome. Though, my lack of interest in fighting games the same way my friends do tends to make me clash with their personalities. If you want to start an argument with someone who plays fighting games, just say you don't like rollback. It's fun.

I like modding games and messing with tables of data because of it. I drive myself insane doing it sometimes, but it's been teaching me a LOT about the flow of putting files into different games, 3D modeling and texturing and fallacies that people fall into when assuming how games actually function regarding graphics. Not to mention shortcuts developers make because it's just not something they intend the player to see during NORMAL gameplay. It's gotten me to calm down regarding what small, human imperfections I have in my own art, as I am a perfectionist for sure.

I mainly mod fighting games and Minecraft, and have been slowly learning the workflow of making models for things like VRChat.

Is there anything I WANT?

For sure! I want to find clothes that make me happy, I want to make sure my friends have the best time possible and potentially become a very tanky cleric so if my friends die, I still survive and can bring them right back into the action. I'm looking for more clothing that fit the vibe I am trying to go for regarding my Milletian character, and looking to try to get more nice clothes.

At the moment, regarding Wiki stuff, I am looking to document certain props and Homestead objects. There are a few things I need to figure out how to format and make good references for, like animated hair I didn't realize I COULD potentially make GIFs of?! I will have to figure that out eventually. Maybe not right this second, since I'm pretty tired in general. Surely more caffeine will fix me...

I would really like if other players documented their homestead items, though. I'm always looking for nice pieces that help me make my homestead a little more cohesive. I was saddened that I was apparently the only person to document the appearances of a select few homestead items, actually. If you happen to read this, definitely check and see what homestead items you have that haven't been documented! You might have something nobody else thought to document.