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From Mabinogi World Wiki

Text style guide notes:

This page aims to provide a quick reference to the overarching styling on Mabinogi World Wiki in order to keep things consistent.

Color Scheme for tables etc when not textual

In general, colors should aim to be as close as possible to what is represented in the game.

Color Name Used in
#A0C6E3 Prettytable default header color
#E7F3E8 Prettytable default cell color
Black Black Echostone, default wiki text color
White White Echostone, Generic Rewards. Use if black text would blend
Red Negative values, limitations
Blue Bonuses
Goldenrod Script text color, Erg, bonus stats. Should Always replace yellow text.
Green Script text color. Should Always be boldened.
Coral reforge EXP boosts, limited items
Orangered Example
Firebrick Crom Bas
Sienna Example
Crimson Erg (S)
Orange Example
DarkSeaGreen Example
Purple Adamantine coin
Silver Basic Stats
Dimgray Example
Cornflowerblue Glenn Bearna
#3Af Homestead kit permissions, EXP mentions
background-image: conic-gradient(in hsl longer hue, red, blue) All Echostones
Alternate table cell backgrounds
#888 Imagetable: Icon preview, if black background hides the item's details.
#cdd4be Campfire spirit. Alternative header color for tables.
#EFE8F2 Editor hub alternative cell background color
#C4DCE6 Mainstream Quest map
#f2b7b6 Erg Tiers
#f2cfb6 Erg Tiers
#f2e8b6 Erg Tiers

To remove/replace:

  •  mediumblue
  •  DeepPink
Campfire Spirit
color:OrangeRed [Campfire Spirit Different Campfire
color:firebrick [Campfire Spirit Same Campfire
color:DarkSeaGreen [Campfire Spirit Burn Rewards
background-color: #cdd4be [Alternative Background for mabitables
color:dimgray [Current Level
color:goldenrod [Item Value

Page/event titles

  • Character limitations : & / etc?

Event categories

  • recurring events under the same name form + year (see masterplan)

capitalization guidelines

Singular vs plural

  • singular items, plural categories

Multimedia and external content

  • image tooltips info here

enchant colors

  • tbd


  • disambig page, title, and use


  • when to add entries to it


  • link only at first mention

Table usage

  • specifics of a table, sizing, code complexity....

Writing style

  • Use of 'you' on the wiki is used in Gen pages to serve a clear distinction between "This is what the game tells you" and "This is what the wiki tells you"
  • Item numbers: should always be x1. no spaces.

editor comments

  • comments on code / forms vs a doc
  • comments on pages

unreleased material
