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Passive defense while using defense

Passive defense while using defense

I have a quick question about something you added to the passive defense page. "If a player is equipped with a shield and loads Defense, they can create a Natural Shield and Mana Deflector while the skill is loaded. It will always activate, but it will leave the player open for any upcoming attacks." - that's what you typed on the page, but isn't that last part about being open afterwards kind of redundant? Whether you're using defense+shield or if your equipment pings (let's say up against fully charged icebolt in this case), you'd still be open to an attack afterwards right away (Unless I'm misunderstanding something you typed).

Yinato13:46, 25 April 2012

it's like using a makeshift passive defense, hence why you can "create" one when defense is loaded. It will always activate on impact, but you will be left open due to the defense animation.

I guess my wording is off x.x.

☽ミ☆カ☆ヤ☾13:52, 25 April 2012

Sooo it's a variant of the transformation version of MD and NS then :x. I still think that its not necessary to point out though, since you'd have to wait for the animation to end before retaliating anyway, regardless of what you were hit with. (Which is mentioned on defense's skill page to begin with)

Yinato14:09, 25 April 2012

Essentially. Yeah, you would have to wait since the animation keeps you in place, hence why you would be left open. I still think it's worth a notable mention, but I'm just using my personal opinion.

☽ミ☆カ☆ヤ☾14:14, 25 April 2012