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Alchemy 101 Race Comparisons

Alchemy 101 Race Comparisons

I would just like to point out a few things. First of all, all races can use shields... So why is it up there? Elves do not have low Stamina. Elves can wear the following Heavy Armors: Dragon Rider Plate Armor, Chinese Dragon Armor, and Dragon Scale Armor. (Yea... Elves apparently love dragon armors...) So for that you can write like too few heavy armors? Giants have high HP. Giants are slow, but not the slowest. (Although it would make more sense if Humans were faster than Giants... But that's DevCAT's problem.) You forgot to say able to outrun most creatures for Elf.

Pyro - (Talk)15:10, 2 October 2011

I wrote this off the top of my head @@. wasn't exactly thinking and didn't reread it lol. it's a work in progress.

Technically, China Dragon armor is light armor, but has a heavy stat.

LexisMikaya15:11, 2 October 2011