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WTH is going on!?

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

This edit was referring to some of the pointless monster categorization like Humanoid and Magical category. (Although I would argue the Animal category is actually notable because Animal monsters receive increased experience when it is raining in areas that can rain.)

Although there has been discussion of removing a lot of things from the newmenu by admins, it has been months and no progress (that is publicly mentioned), has been brought up so far.

Kapra - (Talk)13:37, 26 May 2014

Can't we just add that info somewhere? 8I

Nise Panda (talk)14:04, 26 May 2014

Sure, will probably need new testing since some monsters have been added/removed and not every monster on the Bear page for example gives rain experience, who knows. I'll look into it but it'll take some time since you cannot control the weather, literally.

Kapra - (Talk)14:24, 26 May 2014