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Monster Image Backgrounds

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

I may not be an admin here, but Kevin did say everyone counts. (:

I did take notice that some monsters have different colours than the original monsters themselves, such as bandit goblins and imps, maybe even the humans and giants. This also includes equipment on gargoyles and goblins. I tried to avoid taking images of these since that's not their natural colouring. If the background is a problem, I could just retake certain monsters in their natural areas or backgrounds, so it looks well -- natural for you, or viewers I suppose. However, some monsters do look okay with the focus on them with a black backdrop, so the focus is on the monster itself, it's clear and clean. That's just my opinion though. As I said though, retakes are no problem for me whatsoever, but tomorrow is another day. I should be going to sleep. Thank you for linking me this, though! :3

Anemki's siggy is better than Kevin's! ║ talkcontributions00:28, 31 December 2012