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Incorrectly Markerd.

Incorrectly Markerd.

The servers are not offline. Just bad latency.

The Paladin Slayer18:59, 22 October 2011

The server status automatically marks itself as offline because the checker cant reach the server within a specified amount of time.


Mm, Then there's very bad latency.

The Paladin Slayer19:03, 22 October 2011

i thought the status was updated by players .-.

Eldiablox44419:12, 22 October 2011

It used to be, and still can be, before they implemented an auto version > >


Auto versoin can still be overridden o.o. You could have just made it lag, but in retorspect, its prolly better to leave ut offline, as mega lag spikes like that basically take the servers offline. Lol

Xcelled19419:23, 22 October 2011

You should make it that if the server eventually responds, it sets to lag. If it doesnt respond at all before the status refreshes, it's offline. :c


Unfortunatly, PHP is an all or nothing language. I can't directly control the TCP timeout (though I think I could find a hackey way to do that) and I'd want to do it properly, by using multithreading, which PHP doesn't support.

Maybe I can use this as an excuse to learn Perl....

Xcelled19407:19, 23 October 2011