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More server things... (?)

More server things... (?)

Not sure what to call it,... but with all the recent events going on, I'm wondering if someone should add a monster server or chat status for the game server sratuses... I understand they have them individually for each server and channel, but should we add one for the monster and chat servers/sequences?

Reihu15:46, 7 October 2011

Both the monster and chat server would be unable to be automatically updated, since all they do is lag or malfunction, as in the case of the current glitch. Chat server would still appear as online, but unable to be used. As for the monster server, it is dependent on the channel, not an actual server.


Ah, well. I guess that makes sense. Also a lot more work if we were to add them, and the ones we have are bad enough..... >_>

Reihu23:54, 7 October 2011