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Ads on the wiki

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

As a user of them, I can attest to it being pretty thorough. You can block ads by URL, network or category and if you're really and truly concerned you can actually force all ads to go through a queue to be individually approved before you let them come through on your site. Until you approve new/pending ads only ads you've previously allowed to come through will and you set up fail-over ads for periods where you have nothing appropriate to show, for example your own internal advertisements or partners you want to include in the rotation.

Eos36713:07, 28 September 2011

That sounds plenty flexible for what we need. I was unaware AdSense let you work by whitelist. The thing I read was that the blacklist of ads could only be so long and that people were actually hitting it.

Saiyr13:19, 28 September 2011

I've never hit that problem, with my own configuration I've blocked most of what I don't want showing up just by categorically denying those content categories/sub categories and only had to resort to three explicit URL blocks because those three sites technically count as allowed categories but are for competing sites that have policies restricting mention of mine so don't deserve non-reciprocal advertising.

Feel free to message me any questions you may think of or be curious about, I'm quite an advocate of them compared to other things I've tried in the past.

Eos36708:23, 30 September 2011