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in demi?

do you have to be using the awakening of light skill for the effect to take place?

Sreth03:18, 22 February 2011

Seriously? Read the category page. God.

Frogsnoodle04:15, 22 February 2011

Wasn't this the one treasure where it also worked outside Demi, that's how I remember it...

TwiliTerror21:56, 22 February 2011

Wave Sweeper works regardless of whether or not you use awakening of light.

Tellos22:43, 22 February 2011

Waitwaitwait. There are treasures that don't require awakening? Whaaaat? Eh.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)22:44, 22 February 2011

Wave Sweeper works at all times. I tested it on KR server many times. If you're running and you equip a high grade wave sweeper your char will speed up, as will the animation. Its effect stays till you take it off.

Tellos22:45, 22 February 2011