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I checked all channels on Alexina and they were all gone... O_o

Is... is this a bug or did 7 people actually somehow get Rosemary Gloves in one day and pull it out?

Infodude57523:39, 4 July 2012

They're still in Mari, so I'm guessing someone decided to make alts and share the gloves between them or share it among friends in order to grab them from each channel.

Yinato23:45, 4 July 2012

That's... just scary O_o

Infodude57523:48, 4 July 2012

Meh, a lot of people want to ruin the game for others...but why they choose something that is already out of reach to most players is beyond me >_>;

Yinato23:52, 4 July 2012

Eh I don't want it, its there to train my Respite.

Infodude57523:54, 4 July 2012

There's only 1 per day. regardless of how many channels there are, if one's gone, all of them are gone.

I did not know this as I watched the one in the channel i was in just vanish because a friend of mine took it in channel 1.

Aubog00706:58, 5 July 2012

I thought I read "one per channel"... O-o

Infodude57510:50, 5 July 2012

There's one per channel if they all pick it at the same time.

Pyro - (Talk)11:54, 5 July 2012

Like what Aubog said, if you take the sword from one channel, it disappears from all of them, this is probably meant to prevent people from changing channels and getting another one right away or something of that nature.

Fyresentinel13:46, 11 July 2012

What I said is still possible.

Pyro - (Talk)22:32, 11 July 2012

Been meaning to ask this but since this thread regards the missing sword I might as well ask it here.

Does the durability stay where it is at when it returns, or is the next unlucky person forced to repair the flaming sword?

S•A•R•I•A13:49, 11 July 2012

That question makes no sense.

Tellos23:33, 11 July 2012

it makes sense O.o (at least to me). but what's I'm asking simply is what happens to the Durability when it returns to Avon o-o;;

S•A•R•I•A06:25, 12 July 2012

It respawns, as an entirely new sword.
EDIT: By respawn, I mean that it just appears again, nobody returns it there.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)06:28, 12 July 2012

oh okay. x.x;

Edit: I figured no one would return x.x;

S•A•R•I•A06:30, 12 July 2012