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Is it even a sword? Just because it has the name "sword" in it does not mean it is a sword. Also, it has wand-like animations prior to attacking, not sword-like.

Infodude57501:17, 14 June 2012

That's what I was thinking. I tell you, there was a lot of things I should've tested in those RPs that I didn't come up with until after I finished them... What we need is somebody to confirm whether or not its boosted by Sword Mastery.

Pyro - (Talk)01:19, 14 June 2012

Strength and Combat Mastery, minus the eight max damage from Bare Hands, have to be factored out in order to test properly, I think.

Infodude57501:21, 14 June 2012

RPed as Shakespeare, got training for Sword Mastery, so the Quill Sword probably counts.

I'm not sure if the damage is affected, but Shakespeare has 516 Str and 258~411 Damage w/ Sword.

Infodude57511:34, 4 July 2012