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Vandalism going on in this page

Vandalism going on in this page

There seem to be a case of multiple people vandalizing the correct answers and placing them into the wrong spot in order to mislead people who followed the website. Had anyone else also been called out of the game because of this reason?

I think it's time to place a lock on this page to prevent anymore vandalism, and only allow the people who are trustworthy to edit.

Just my inquiry.

KittyWolf06:20, 24 March 2011

I believe several of these aren't vandalism, but weird questions like the one with Pierrick thinking he's an eligible bachelor; for some reason, they're registering as opposite of what research shows, possibly due to very small differences in the appearance of the question and a failure on Nexon's part to fact-check (or even to double-check that they had no repeated questions). For instance, I could swear that I actually *did* see a question regarding Dorren and a mole near her mouth come up as "true."

On the other hand, there's the person who deliberately wiped the whole list of questions 3 times.

Telmara07:15, 24 March 2011

1) F%#! dynamic reply boxes, you lose all your text when you accidentally leave the page.

2) I think this is just a case of people not reporting questions accurately enough. If everyone who wished to contributed used FRAPS or something similar, I don't think we'd have nearly as many problems. (The case with the questions about Pierrick as an example, those would have been noticed instantly rather than debated over for a couple days.)

3) I'm pretty sure we have 90-95% of the questions listed by now. We should just be finalizing the list at this point, I think.

Domirade [Tarlach]07:56, 24 March 2011

Unless the page starts receiving consistent vandalism such as the page wiping last night or quite a few people begin [suspiciously] switching a multitude of questions around, it doesn't need to be locked. Just keep a close eye on those edits when you can.

--Aramet (Talk)12:41, 24 March 2011