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Elen's Leminia Holy Moon Sword Upgrade

Elen's Leminia Holy Moon Sword Upgrade

Apparently, for my sword, Elen's 0-0 upgrade gives +15 max, +5 min, -10 crit, -10 balance and -10 dura. See

Vladeremis18:13, 19 November 2011

It's probably a typo...I don't have the sword it self to confirm this...@@

LexisMikaya18:17, 19 November 2011

I doubt so. Even Edern's upgrades for my sword are different. "Tempering" gives only +2 Max, and "Blade refinement 1" gives +2 min, -1 crit and -1 balance. I may upgrade the sword fully to check all the upgrades. EDIT: Also, my sword's original stats are different, as you can see in the pic. The dura hasn't been damaged by repairs. Reading again, seems Duet was right about there being two versions of the Leminia holy moon sword?

Vladeremis18:18, 19 November 2011

well you could upgrade it and check to be sure. typically most weapons don't even lose 10 dura for an upgrade...

LexisMikaya18:22, 19 November 2011

Ah, sorry. I meant -5 dura. But yeah, it's still different when ti comes to damage, crit and balance modifications.

Vladeremis18:23, 19 November 2011
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 19:38, 3 September 2012

Well, I've finally upgraded my Gachapon Leminia's Holy Moon Sword completely. This is the list of upgrades I've gathered:

Upgrade Name Proficiency Upgrade Details UG # Cost NPC
Weight Adjustment 1 5 Balance +2 0~4 1,000 Edern
Weight Adjustment 2 15 Balance +3 0~3 3,000
Weight Adjustment 3 25 Balance +4 0~2 5,000
Weight Adjustment 4 35 Balance +5 0~1 7,000
Blade Refinement 1 5 Minimum Attack +2
Critical -1, Balance -1
0~4 6,000
Blade Refinement 2 12 Minimum Attack +3
Critical -1, Balance -2
1~4 10,000
Blade Refinement 3 20 Minimum Attack +4
Critical -2, Balance -1
2~4 15,000
Blade Refinement 4 30 Minimum Attack +5
Critical -2, Balance -2
3~4 20,000
Blade Refinement 5 42 Minimum Attack +6
Critical -2, Balance -3
4~4 25,000
Tempering 20 Maximum Attack +2 0~3 2,000
Blade Edge Sharpening 20 Critical +5 1~2 2,000
Hilt Change 30 Maximum Attack +3
Minimum Attack -4
0~0 6,000
(Untranslated) 30 Splash Range Increase +? 4~4 6,000
Leminia's Holy Moon Sword Edern Remodeling
70 Maximum Attack +5, Balance +3
Minimum Attack -5, Critical -3
3~4 23,900
Leminia's Holy Moon Sword Elen Strengthening
90 Maximum Attack +15, Minimum Attack +5
Critical -10, Maximum Durability -5, Balance-10
0~0 38,700 Elen
Artisan Upgrade 100 Strength + 8?~13?
Luck + 15?~53?
Max HP + 2?~5?
Max Stamina + 3?~?
4~4 20,000 Edern

I consider this list to be incomplete for now so I'll be looking for more upgrades. But yeah, this finally shows that Gachapon Leminia Swords are much different than Church ones. (Also, I'll provide pics of the upgrades if they require verification. Apologies in advance if I made mistakes).

Vladeremis14:50, 25 December 2011

It looks to me like the Tara box sword and the gachapon sword have their stats switched here on the wiki. I have this purple bladed leminia sword that has its stats compared to the tara box one. Is there no more info on this?

Meru (talk)23:11, 1 August 2013

Hm. I wonder how that happened. I'll go ahead and fix it.