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Repair Cost & Dura Loss

I gathered explicit numbers that showed 6-7 loss with VIP+Bless and 3-4 with VIP+Bless+crk.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19405:18, 15 June 2015

Tested without VIP. Results:

  • Blessing cut: 50%
  • VIP Cut: ~25%
  • CRK Set Cut: 30%

Final dura is calculated by multiplying them all together, eg 16 * .5 * .75 * 7 = 4.2.

This data was gathered using bash, which has a fixed dura loss, as mentioned elsewhere.

The numbers worked out such that the 30% of the crk was close enough to 50% to be confusing on previous tests.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19423:56, 19 June 2015

30 is indeed correct. Likewise from the above values, truncation lead me to believe it was a fuller 33%, but after finding non-VIP who owned a pair to test, 30% is the correct number.

Callback (talk)11:52, 24 June 2015