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Template:DataSteampunk Inventor Hat (M)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{1}}} |Name=Steampunk Inventor Hat (M) |Desc=A hat so tinkered with that it now has enough machines to help a resourceful inventor escape any dire situation! It's perfect to wear with the Steampunk Inventor Suit. |Category=/equip/head/headgear/

|BuyPrice=20000 |SellPrice= |CanSellToNPC=True |CanSellToPlayer=True |CanTrade=True |CanStorePet=True |CanPickupOther=True |CanBank=True |CanWithdrawOther=True |HumanMale=y |HumanFemale=n |ElfMale=y |ElfFemale=n |GiantMale=y |GiantFemale=n |Width=2 |Height=1 |Color1=1 |Color2=1 |Color3=1 |CanReforge=True |CanEnchant=True

|Defense=1 |Protection=1 |Durability=14000

|col1=3D1F11 |col2=B62424 |col3=90693F


|ObtainList=*Steampunk Gachapon

|SellList= }}