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Template:DataSpecial Seraphic Harmony Attire (F)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{1}}} |Name=Special Seraphic Harmony Attire (F) |Desc=An outfit suited for venerating the gods through verse and song. Reflecting a spirit of piety and tenderness, it balances compassion with the firm hand of the just. Wearing this outfit allows you to strike a special pose. |Category=/equip/armor/lightarmor/leather/smith_repairable/magic_armor/custom_idle_motion/specialcostume/

|custom_idle_motion=data/gfx/char/chapter4/human/anim/social_motion/female_choir01 |giant_custom_idle_motion=data/gfx/char/chapter4/giant/anim/social_motion/giant_female_choir01 |col1=DDDDEE |col2=1F2338 |col3=EEE7E2 |col5=1F2338 |col6=8B725F |col7=322823

|BuyPrice=20000 |SellPrice= |CanSellToNPC=True |CanSellToPlayer=True |CanTrade=True |CanStorePet=True |CanPickupOther=True |CanBank=True |CanWithdrawOther=True |HumanMale=n |HumanFemale=y |ElfMale=n |ElfFemale=y |GiantMale=n |GiantFemale=y |Width=2 |Height=4 |Color1=1 |Color2=1 |Color3=1 |Color4=1 |Color5=1 |Color6=1 |CanReforge=True |CanEnchant=True

|Defense=27 |Protection=19 |magic_defense=9 |magic_protect=7 |Durability=15000

|Icon=Seraphic Harmony Attire (F)

|Set=Seraphic Cantabile |SetBonus=

  • +10 Absorption Enhancement (10% Chance to Reduce Incoming Damage to 1)
  • +10 Eternal Prayer Enhancement (5% Chance to Gain the Prayer Effect When Casting Magic or Harmonic Saint Talent Skills) (Prayer: MP Recovery Rate and Magic Attack +100 for 30 seconds) (Cooldown: 100 sec)

|ObtainList=*Seraphic Cantabile Chest

|SellList= }}