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Template:DataHarmonious Yantra of Clarity (Enchantable)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{1}}} |Name=Harmonious Yantra of Clarity (Enchantable) |Desc=A yantra that floats behind those who have transcended the flames of the inferno. Those who bear this symbol can feel the diverse energies of the cosmos circulating harmoniously through its wheel-like pattern.

(Can be enchanted) |Category=/equip/wing/activate_action/action_custom_type/cloth/not_dyeable/destroytime_20min/enchantwing/

|ALCHEMYFIRE=1 |ALCHEMYWATER=1 |ALCHEMYEARTH=1 |ALCHEMYWIND=1 |spread_wing_mesh=uni_c4_fx_firehell01_wing |spread_wing_mesh_female=uni_c4_fx_firehell01_wing |spread_wing_mesh_giant=giant_male_c4_fx_firehell01_wing |spread_wing_mesh_female_giant=giant_female_c4_fx_firehell01_wing |col1=CCA63D

|BuyPrice=20000 |SellPrice= |CanSellToNPC=False |CanSellToPlayer=True |CanTrade=True |CanStorePet=True |CanPickupOther=False |CanBank=True |CanWithdrawOther=True |HumanMale=y |HumanFemale=y |ElfMale=y |ElfFemale=y |GiantMale=y |GiantFemale=y |Width=2 |Height=2 |Color1=undefined |Color2=0 |Color3=0 |CanReforge=False |CanEnchant=True

|Defense=0 |Durability=10000

|Set=Naraka Inferno |SetBonus=

  • +10 Earth Alchemy Mastery Enhancement (Earth Alchemy Skill Efficiency +1%)
  • +10 Fire Alchemy Mastery Enhancement (Fire Alchemy Skill Efficiency +1%)
  • +10 Water Alchemy Mastery Enhancement (Water Alchemy Skill Efficiency +1%)
  • +10 Wind Alchemy Mastery Enhancement (Wind Alchemy Skill Efficiency +1%)

|ObtainList=*Naraka Inferno Box

|SellList= }}