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Template:DataFind the Human Stone Statue buried in sand

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{format}}} |Name=Find the Human Stone Statue buried in sand |QuestBoard=Filia |Level=9


|Cost=300 |RewardEEXP=256 |RewardCEXP=1368 |RewardGold=912

|TimeLimit=100 min |TargetMonster=

|Briefing=From Filia, head towards the giant sandworm mark in southern beach and you'll reach a region where it's known to have a stone statue buried underneath the thick layers of sand in the desert. It's a stone statue that looks like a person playing an instrument. The sand can be removed using Cold Wind L-Rod. Once you completely dig up the stone statue, the sand will stop moving. When that happens, I'd like for you to get me a Gold Nugget that can be found from the stone statue. |Objectives=*Dig up the statue.

  • Collect a Gold Nugget from the statue.
  • Report results to the quest board.

|Advice=*You'll need to dig it out three times or more in order to reach the base and the nugget. }}