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Template:DataDefeat 10 White-spot Desert Spiders

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{format}}} |Name=Defeat 10 White-spot Desert Spiders |Cost=1013 |RewardEEXP=4500 |RewardCEXP=19890 |TargetMonster=White-spot Desert Spider |Briefing=Whenever I see those long-legged spiders crawling around, they give me the biggest creeps. At least the Cactus Lizards are cute, you know... whenever I cross the desert, I'd run into a White-spot Desert Spider near the giant four-legged animal mark in Muyu Desert, and that would scare me like nothing else. Can somebody please eliminate these White-spot Desert Spiders for me? |Objectives=Kill 10 White-spot Desert Spider |Advice= }}