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Template:DataCross-shaped Spars (Part-Time Job)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{1}}} |Name=Cross-shaped Spars (Part-Time Job) |Desc=Spars made from high quality wood with a fine face. They don't seem very durable. (Part-Time Job) |Category=/item/wood/handicraft_arbeit/

|Width=2 |Height=2 |Stack=5 |BuyPrice=0 |Resell=0



|Method=Handicraft |ItemRank=B |SkillRank=D |ProductionExp=3500 |Materials=Fine Firewood (Part-Time Job) x 1
Wood Board (Part-Time Job) x 1 |SuccessRate_rN=0 |SuccessRate_rF=0 |SuccessRate_rE=0 |SuccessRate_rD=41 |SuccessRate_rC=43 |SuccessRate_rB=45 |SuccessRate_rA=47 |SuccessRate_r9=49 |SuccessRate_r8=51 |SuccessRate_r7=53 |SuccessRate_r6=55 |SuccessRate_r5=57 |SuccessRate_r4=59 |SuccessRate_r3=61 |SuccessRate_r2=63 |SuccessRate_r1=65 }}