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Template:DataCollect a Hedgehog Quill

From Mabinogi World Wiki

{{{{{format}}} |Name=Collect a Hedgehog Quill |Cost=538 |RewardEEXP=2,390 |RewardCEXP=5,040 |Briefing=Go find a Hedgehog hidden deep in the snow and collect its quills. |Objectives=

  • Deliver 5 Hedgehog Quills to the Quest Board


  • Use the Land Maker action to uncover a Snowfield Hedgehog in the snow east of Vales, near the Reus River. Stomp may also be used to uncover the Snowfield Hedgehog.
  • Quills can be collected similar to collecting eggs from a chicken. Must be barehanded to do so.

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