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Talk:Rath Castle Missions Crystal Rewards

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Snow Crystal

Is this suppose to be blizzard crystal? or is it really a snow crystalWolven 15:49, 30 August 2010 (UTC)

It's Blizzard Crystal. --Aramet (Talk) 16:50, 30 August 2010 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Elites208:03, 28 August 2011

Do Elite quests have the same crystal rewards as Hard Mode? Because they aren't listed here.

Kingman18608:44, 27 August 2011

From what I've experienced in my Elite runs, the crystals are pretty much the same as the ones at Hard Mode. However, I'm not too sure about the ranks of the Adv Spell crystals. Could be the same...

Lt. Jessie09:03, 27 August 2011

If I ever find any on an elite, I'll post the rank.

Kingman18608:03, 28 August 2011