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Talk:Rano Field Bosses for Elf/Giant Transformation quest

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Erm, Why on the head hyena bit does it say north the lettering and when you actually go to the hyena page it says south lettering? - Aussie711

I can't find any field bosses.

Maybe because..THEY HAVENT SPAWNED!!! --Kevin 02:22, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

Location error

In the image, it goes against the text that listed the spawn area of the Gnu. I am a bit new to wiki so I will need someone to upload a new picture or change the text. Please, is there anyone to confirm the location of the Gnu spawns, it would be great help to the users doing the Falcon/Beast Mode quest. (Sorry if this caused a error in this edit, im just trying to contribute, if somthing goes wrong please read the history tab)--Hero-kun 04:02, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

They all pretty much spawned where they were supposed to,except the wolf-striped spiderthat appeared above the U in muyu. im not sure about thelizard though; but i think it spawns around where the Giant Springs not sure cuz i haven't sketched that yet... -Imi 8:49, 19 July 2009. This is probably very late.

Do the locations for the gold lizard match up? the place on the map says it is around central Karu, between "Karu Forest" on the map; but the description itself says it is west/east of the mana tunnel. Imi 07:38, 5 February 2011 (PST)


You're kinda missing a few, like the white eared bushboar, the aardvark family, and the white fennec foxes. *too lazy to make links*--♫ѕταя♪ 01:07, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

These are the Beast/Falcon ones, to help for the quest I'm guessing. --Aussie♣ 13:15, 14 August 2009

Along those lines, I think there should be more information or a map of the full list of Rano field bosses. Also, as this article is called, Rano Field Bosses, it is slightly mis-named as it is only housing the Elf Transformation Rano Field Bosses. We need to figure out a better way to clarify or organize this so it makes more sense. In the meantime, I put a small disclaimer at the bottom stating what this article really is. -Drake3 22:48, 8 September 2009 (UTC)

Spawn Time of Day

I am noticing that field bosses tend to spawn at certain in-game times and disappear at certain in-game times. If there are constant and not random (such as the Giant Gold Forest Mushroom Spider always spawns at 9pm and despawns at 6am game time as that is what I just observed once) then the time range should be recorded for easier hunting. If the times are random (thus the spider could instead spawn at 12 noon and despawn at 3am) then this can be disregarded. Although, if they always spawn for the same length of time, that could still be recorded. -Drake3 22:23, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

I think I will use this area to collect data on this theory. The gold lizard spawned at 3pm today. I was unable to find it so I don't know when it despawned. --Drake3 19:51, 28 October 2009 (UTC)
Green Kiwi appeared at 4:20pm. Oops, Green Kiwi isn't on here, oops.--Drake3 08:04, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

I seem to notice that the casual time for a few monsters to spawn is around 6-8am PDT Occy 22:32, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

Re-titling the page

It was already brought up in 'missing' that this page is only for the field bosses which are require for the Elf/Giant Transformation quest. Therefore, I have move the page to reflect that. If anyone disagrees, please change it back, and state your disagreement. I have also removed the disclaimer due the title change.--FFVIISephy 20:41, 29 September 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Map Change022:50, 15 June 2021

Map Change

The in game map no longer lines up with where the labels like Muyu Desert and Karu Forest are placed. Should a new map be taken?

DarkYuan (talk)22:50, 15 June 2021