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Level up

I fought some blue mane Lycans in different dungeons but when i smashed them they did not level up? Does that mean you can change attacks depending on different manes.--Trickybomb 22:11, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

Actually thats false. I tried it. ~ Shadowboy132
I killed three of these in Albey blue gem dungeon using only Smash (from my pets), and they didn't level up once.
Maybe pet smash doesn't count? ---Angevon
Actually it does. I saw my friend's pet Kitty Smash a Lycan, and it leveled. It still had a Blue Mane. Man! This artcile is too confusing! ~ Shadowboy132
You know, they only have a CHANCE to level up, maybe around 50% --Fruitrecruit
The sole cause of the level-up is NOT being knocked down. This is proven by the fact that you can hit one twice (without knocking it down) and have it STILL level-up. This happened in baol today. The only possible reason it could have leveled-up was that critical hit triggered. But it was NOT knocked down, so that cannot be the cause. Rather, I'm going to say that any combat skill besides windmill that is used on it has a chance of causing it. This includes final hit. As well as being knocked down. Any complaints in changing the page accordingly? --Doomsday 21:48, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
perhaps the ai has to do something in order for it to level up, and the reason windmill doesnt do it is because it resets the ai of annything it hits. and the details used to say that it will not level from the first atack right? so maybe it doesnt lvl if you get it to drop agro and atack again, oor if you nock it down once with other atacks between wms. something im going to try the next time i do rabie basic. Sozen Cratos Focker 22:51, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

I wonder how FH can still cause it to level, even if user is Dual Weilding. That doesnt make sense...

I've seen someone FH a Lycanthrope in Alby Intermediate. It did in fact level up. --Zephyre12:00, 11 April 2009 (EST)

I'm going to assume that it's actually a skill that's only possessed by the Lycanthrope. Similar to Mana Drain, but for melee and ranged attacks. It will only be triggered if it isn't the first attack, crit, and if it didn't defend. The only reason windmill will never level it up is because windmill resets the AI of the monster, causing it to be the "First" attack. Zephyre 05:37, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

I think that it only levels when its knocked back or hit twice when its in combat mode... reply anyone? (this is why you can start off with smash, it isnt in combat mode) —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wuberfeca (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!

(not made by one who left the comment above) I was messing around with one, and i think being knocked back has nothing to do with them recovering, i agree with Zepher that it's most likely a melee version of mana drain. but i fought one using jsut n+def and didn't knock it down once, and it still recovered, same with final hit as mentioned above. so i think its based on the number of hits, or amount of damage done rather than knock backs. which would make fighting them without wm almost impossible unless you hit high enough to one or two shot them.--(not-so)Anonymous 23:18, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
oops didn't notice that doomsday already said it. well at least i can verify it. :P--(not-so)Anonymous 23:25, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

I've tried using thunder as an opening move with 5 charges and it killed the 3 lycans in Albey. Does that mean that an "Opening move" of adv. magic doesn't level them either? Kaason 15:30, 9 April 2010 (EST)

That is impossible because all magic does 1 damage to the Lycans. Also one small note: You can pet smashmill it over and over. After testing a few things over the times I do fight the Lycans, I believe that they only level if hit while in combat mode.--Saix7 19:56, 9 April 2010 (UTC)


I think these are Ice element, they did alot less damage to my Ice Armor than Lightning Armor ~ Fruitrecruit


Are these really Single Aggro? Cause when i was in Albey Blue, i got to the boss and Windmilled the Lycantheropes in a group and all 3 of them had the Aggro Sign. Does that make them Multiple Aggro? ~ Shadowboy132

lol, they are multiaggro -- Fruitrecruit
Before someone put "Single" Aggro... until i made the change. Shadowboy132
i c, but yeah, multiaggro. -- Fruitrecruit

Is that really the case? I mean, I have done Baol Finals alot and even though the lycans may notice you, they only single aggro and once the one is killed, the another other will aggro you. The only event in which I notice more than one attacked me was when right after I killed one lycan, I attacked another one right away instead of waiting to see which one would aggro me first. -- Miyuna

The reason why there's arguments over this is because there's more than one kind of lycanthrope. The one in baol does NOT look like the one in the picture, nor does it multi-aggro. Request to have the page changed to have multiple types of lycanthrope accordingly. --Doomsday 21:48, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
Technically they all have the same stats. The only way to change it would be add multiple pictures of lycans but all with different manes. ~ Shadowboy132
Do they have the same stats though? I know two different gorgons that look identical but one has 10x as much health or so. --Doomsday 20:19, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
They probably do. And how is it possible a Gorgon having 10x more HP than an origonal one? O_O ~ Shadowboy132
Try asking that to the gorgons in the end of Alby Int (I think that was the dungeon). I windmill'd (rank 1, mind you) them several times as pally and they barely had a scratch >_< --Doomsday 15:01, 24 April 2009 (UTC)


Merge with werewolves maybe?Novaix 07:55, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

Different Mobs

I noticed just now that the Lycanthropes in Albey Blue are different mobs. Of the blue, orange, and yellow maned Lycans, the yellow one had 1840 CP while the other two had 1880.--ZephyreTALK 01:04, 7 February 2010 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
(2018) Adv Hardmode, Flameburst, cancel last hit023:22, 31 May 2018
Bash is effective against Lycanthropes018:10, 23 April 2015

(2018) Adv Hardmode, Flameburst, cancel last hit

Flameburst is a very good strategy, as canceling the last hit will not level up the Lycanthrope. The last hit of flame burst however, has a chance of leveling it up. Also HM lycanthrope has in between 100~200k dps (I don't datamine or anything so I'm guestimating HP)

Jovenator (talk)23:22, 31 May 2018

Bash is effective against Lycanthropes

Just use repeatedly and it should kill them without triggering a level up.

Willalhj (talk)18:10, 23 April 2015