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Talk:I Love You! Gesture Coupon

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Rarity508:27, 14 February 2013
Usuable after Event?122:35, 28 June 2012

I've done more than 10 solo runs, and I have yet to get one measly Coupon. Is it really that rare?!

Infodude57500:51, 25 February 2012


Kiyoura00:55, 25 February 2012

I did it in a party of 3...and got it at the end chest in 2 runs. After that...nothing came up.

Mikaya00:55, 25 February 2012

I did a single run and lucked out and got the coupon. I was like O_O

YukiTsuki (talk)01:48, 13 February 2013


Infodude575 (talk)19:24, 13 February 2013

Got the coupon twice in a row this year on my first runs!

Chukaka (talk)08:27, 14 February 2013

Usuable after Event?


Infodude57509:45, 15 March 2012

Yes, but I highly doubt there are any more by now.

Onionsong22:35, 28 June 2012