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Talk:Exploration Cap Quests (Giant)

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Hey, I just wanted to say that with the snowfield rats, (and likely the ice worms) I don't believe they actually can move under the snow, but that when your signal fades what is actually happening is that your lrod switches to pick up a different rat. If you were to go to the area where you think one should be and use lrod exploration, it still gives the message stating that there is something here but you can't find it that way, even if there are no beeps( it is there if you use landmaker by the way, as I've done this many times myself). I first noticed this doing the elf lvl 5 cap quest as there are so many statues in such a small area that sometimes as you get close to one, your lrod begins to pick up the signal of a different one. Would someone else be willing to try this and confirm it?

I think the snowfield rats actually do move because the beeping can change, evening when you stand on one spot, sometimes fading, getting stronger or just disappearing completely. Also I have some other friends who say the rat can move under the snow, but maybe it's just us xD. (The position changing times are quite long)--Akumo 15:44, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
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