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Talk:Daemon of Physis

From Mabinogi World Wiki

I was wondering if someone with the power to switch it and not mess up the picture could change the word Demon to Daemon, I got savage beast just earlier and the Demon/Daemon is a bit confusing, plus Demon implies evil, which I find is just rude to giant players.

Which one does the game use? ---Angevon 03:28, 16 May 2009 (UTC)
The game uses Daemon. --Aramet 03:41, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

I've changed some of the "demon" words to "Daemon" but i'm not sure how to change the title of the page.. --Aussie711 12:38, 16 May 2009


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Name523:18, 7 May 2012

If it doesn't mean "Demon", then what does "Daemon" mean?

Infodude57522:02, 7 May 2012

Alternative spelling of Demon.

S•A•R•I•A22:04, 7 May 2012

Google: (in ancient Greek belief) A divinity or supernatural being of a nature between gods and humans.


So, not really an alternative spelling of demon.


Huh...never knew that. Then again it does sorta make sense...a little.

S•A•R•I•A23:08, 7 May 2012

It's still pretty much the same meaning, just without the implication of being evil. It's also still pronounced the same.

Pyro - (Talk)23:18, 7 May 2012