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Talk:Bat Hat (No Wings)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Is Bat Hat really headgear?405:14, 26 May 2014

Is Bat Hat really headgear?

Advantage enchant scroll, Rank D prefix, enchantable on headgear, can not enchant on bat hat. Is bat hat really headgear?

Kikiwai (talk)00:25, 26 May 2014

Does the enchant work for other light headgear? Maybe it only works for heavy headgear.

Blargel (talk)00:30, 26 May 2014

it works on Large Ribbon, Bunny Hairpin, and devCAT hat. Not yet tried other hats...

Kikiwai (talk)00:41, 26 May 2014

Strange. Have you tried helmets?

Blargel (talk)01:07, 26 May 2014

Maybe it's just not enchantable and it doesn't say so?

Nise Panda (talk)05:14, 26 May 2014