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Snowflower Husky

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Basic Information

Snowflower Husky.png Life ? Mana ? Stam ?
Str ? Base Dmg ? - ? Defense ?
Int ? M.Att ? Protection ?%
Dex ? Wound % ?% - ?% M.Def ?
Will ? Critical ?% M.Prot ?
Luck ? Balance ?% Pierce ?
Bag Size 64 (8 x 6) Exp % ?% Speed Rating ? / ? / ? / ?
(Boost? / Fly? / Run / Walk)
Source Snowflower Husky Whistle Summon Time 120 Min Attack Speed Normal Enemy ?
Pet Type Pet Type(Creature).pngPet Type(Medium).pngPet Type(Terrestrial).pngPet Type(Dog).png Can carry 1 Players Hits 3 Has Run/Flight Boost No
Special Ability
  • ?

Level Needed for Skills

  • Information Needed!

Status Increase on Age-Up

  • Information Needed!

Status Increase on Level-Up

  • Information Needed!

Companion Bonus

  • Information Needed!

See Also
