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From Mabinogi World Wiki
Portrait of SeafraFile:Seafra.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Occupation Mercenary
Track A Keenly Honed Apathy

Website Description

A life without curiosity, desire, or aspiration... This is the road Seafra walks. Why do people work so hard to live when they have nothing? Seafra doesn't care at all. God hasn't given him much, so all that matters is the little warmth he is given now.


—Generation 26 Microsite[1]


His stiking lavender eyes rest on your expressionlessly. His posture is closed off, and his clothes look like they,re designed for quiet movement, giving him an overall air of secrecy. He tends to keep his mouth shut, so when he starts to speak, his words came as a surprise.


Mainstream Story

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  • This NPC cannot be interacted with Keywords.


  • Seafra's Set (Unobtainable)


Track Title
A Keenly Honed Apathy
Seafra's theme

