OX Quiz Event (2022) banner
- For similar events, see Mabinogi Quiz Show (disambiguation).
- August 25th, 2022 - September 8th, 2022
Locke is back, and this time he's hosting everyone's favorite quiz! The OX Quiz has returned, and there's plenty of rewards to grab this time around. Check out all the details below![1]
Event Details
- Log in during the event period to receive the quest, [Guide] The OX Quiz is Back!
- Talk to Locke located near the Vales Mana Tunnel to register a main character.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Once completed, you will receive the following:
- 10,000 EXP
- 3,000 Gold
- Locke's OX Quiz Invitation
- Allows you to move near the OX Quiz location.
- The item is given to the main character every day, and can be purchased from Locke using Gold.
- Unlock the daily quest, [Event] Daily OX Quiz and achievement quest, [Event] To Be an OX Quiz Master
- Anyone can participate in the OX Quiz even if they are not the main character, but only the registered main character can participate in the event quests.
- Note: OX Quiz Vouchers and Locke’s OX Quiz Invitation event items will be removed from the inventory during the 9/15 maintenance.
Quiz Details
- The OX Quiz will take place every hour on the hour during the event period.
- Visit the event location by using the Locke’s OX Quiz Invitation or use the Vales Mana Tunnel.
- You must be standing in the O or X quiz squares on the hour to participate in the OX Quiz.
- The OX Quiz is a game of True (O) or False (X) and there are a total of 30 quiz questions each round.
- When the quiz starts, you have 10 seconds to choose your answer for the statement.
- Stand on the square of the answer you think is correct.
- If you answer incorrectly, you will be removed from the quiz area for the round. Try again next time!
- For each correct answer, you will receive Combat EXP or Renown EXP:
- Combat EXP - 10,000 EXP
- Music Renown - 35 EXP
- Life Renown - 175 EXP
- You can change your preferred experience reward as the main character by talking to Locke.
- If you are not a main character, you cannot change the reward, and you can only receive 1,000 combat experience for each correct answer.
- If you answer all 30 in a round correctly, you will receive an OX Quiz Gift Box.
- The main character is eligible to achieve 1st titles according to the results of the OX Quiz.
- who was Foiled by a Cat (Luck +30)
- who was SO CLOSE (Luck +30)
- the Quiz Pro (Luck +30)
Daily Quest
- The main character can receive the daily quest each day, [Event] Daily OX Quiz
- Daily quests reset at 7:00 AM PDT.
- To complete the quest objective, participate in the OX quiz and answer 10 OX Quiz questions correctly.
- These do not have to be answered consecutively.
- Once completed, you will receive:
Achievement Quest
- The main character will receive the achievement quest, [Event] To Be an OX Quiz Master
- To complete the quest objectives, clear the Daily OX Quiz quest several times.
- Once completed, you will receive:
- 1st Objective: Clear the Daily OX Quiz quest 3 times
- 2nd Objective: Clear the Daily OX Quiz quest 3 more times
- 3rd Objective: Clear the Daily OX Quiz quest 3 more times
- 4th Objective: Talk to Locke near the Vales Mana Tunnel
Questions (Incomplete List)
Alexina at Qilla Base Camp sells books.
Arrow Revolver is a skill only Humans can learn.
Baked Potatoes can be recorded in the Cooking Journal.
Bangor is located in Uladh.
Based on lore, Elves with black hair are cursed.
Brielle has purple hair.
Cai is an alchemist.
Cor Village is located in Iria.
Dilys is at the Tir Chonaill Healer's House.
Elves are the only race known to shoot arrows while mounted.
Elves can go into Beast Mode.
Elves cannot equip two handed weapons.
Elves can transform into a Falcon once G2 is completed.
Emerald Golems can be found deep within the Hilwen Mine.
Erinn has two moons.
Esras is a necromancer.
Ethna at Qilla Base Camp sells Shop Licenses.
Every Millitian has 2 owls dedicated to their service.
Ferghus is at the Tir Chonaill Blacksmith Shop.
Filia is located in Iria.
Giants can knock down trees in Physis and use them as mauls.
Gillach is Brielle's archaeology assistant.
Increasing Spirit Control in Spirit Enhancement can raise Weapon Damage based on the owner's specific stats.
In Erinn, Thursday is known as Lughnasadh.
In the language of flowers, the Forget-me-not represents "Please don't forget me."
Kimchi can be recorded in the Cooking Journal.
Legends say that there's a Milletian that has already surpassed cumulative level 100,000.
Malcolm lives at the Tir Chonaill General Shop.
Manus is at the Dunbarton Healer's House.
Nowhere to Run is a name of a Baltane Mission.
Potato Egg Salad can be recorded in the Cooking Journal.
Prior to entering a contract, most Spirits are asleep in the form of a rock.
Taillteann Trade Helper is named Ringo.
Tarlach likes Mana Herbs in his bear form.
The Dog Sled Commerce mount moves very quickly across the snowfields.
The mandolin and lute are different in size, shape, and number of strings.
There are certain kinds of gems that Spirits prefer.
There is a moon named Eweca in Mabinogi.
There is a moon named Ladeca in Mabinogi.
There's a trading post in Belvast where you can build up your Commerce Merchant Rating.
The three major gods are Lymilark, Hymerark, and Jeamiderark.
The Treasure Hunter has a sidekick named Pinky.
Tir Chonaill Commerce Merchant is named Neru.
Walter is at the Dunbarton General Shop.
Shearing a Sheeptuplet pet will give you Golden Magic Wool.
Simon of Dunbarton can repair clothes.
Skeleton Wolves can appear in Rabbie Dungeon.
Spirits like gems.
Spirits will eat just about any kind of gem as long as it's edible.
Stamina recovery potions are yellow.
Stewart is at the Dunbarton School.
There's a desert in Iria.
You can accept Defeat Fomor Commander 1 mission in Taillteann Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can accept Enemy Behind mission in Tara Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can accept Ghost of Partholon mission in Tara Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can accept Mobilizing the Expeditionary Force in Tara Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can accept The Smell of Wine mission in Tara Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can cook in Mabinogi.
You can compose music in Mabinogi.
You can have a house in Mabinogi.
You can increase your Exploration level to 50 before Rebirth.
You can meet Eirwana at Port Connous.
You can obtain a title at Rebirth.
You can purchase a Lumber Axe and a Woodworking Plane from Tracy.
You can purchase Animal Characters with NX.
You can tame wild animals in Mabinogi.
Adniel is the greatest Black Dragon in Iria.
Alissa of Tir Chonaill wears a New Year's dress during New Year's.
All spirits are incredibly smart and know everything.
All the Spirits are male.
A Spirit's appearance is the result of its Emissary's abilities.
A Spirit's appearance improves as the character's cumulative level increases.
Atrata in Filia is a black-haired Giant.
Blaanid's eyes are close to yellow in color.
Black Moon Cromm Cruaich's body is mostly white.
Brielle is a wandering elementalist.
Connachta is a continent Milletians can visit.
Dai is a female squire with red hair
Eating Spicy Hot Pot while conducting Commerce in Vales will increase your speed.
Elsie is a female squire with flowing pink hair.
Every Milletian has 3 owls dedicated to their service.
Every Milletian has 4 owls dedicated to their service.
Ferghus is the best blacksmith.
Ferghus of Tir Chonaill wears a New Year's dress during New Year's.
Fodla's eyes are blue.
Giants are known for their skills with Bows and Crossbows.
Humans were the second race available for creation in Mabinogi.
If you don the Backpack Commerce mount your HP will continually decrease.
In Erinn, Wednesday is known as Alban Elved.
In Spirit Enhancement, Awakening Acceleration can increase the Awakening Energy Charge Rate by up to 5 times.
Llywelyn is a member of Alban Knights Baltane Unit.
Mabinogi is an action-racing game on 360.
Mari is Tarlach's Secret Door.
Marinated Crab can be recorded in the Cooking Journal.
MP potions are deep red.
Nao's goal in life is to become [The Best].
Nexon originally started up in Mexico.
Of the Spirits that control Spirit Weapons, there is one that has three eyes.
Pink Cheese can be recorded in the Cooking Journal.
Port Cobh is located in Iria.
Price doesn't come to Tir Chonaill.
Prior to entering a contract, most Spirits are asleep in the form of a egg.
Spirit Weapons cannot be transferred to other weapons.
Taillteann Defensive Battle Shadow Mission can accommodate up to 4 players.
Tara, the capital of the Aliech Kingdom is in Iria.
Tara Trade Helper is named Lugo.
Teardrops of the Spirit are real tears from Spirits who are terribly sad.
Teardrops of the Spirit are the materialization of Weapon Damage.
The best Mabinogi Ski Game time is 25 seconds.
The Dog Sled Commerce mount costs 350,000 Seasonal Ducats.
The Dunbarton school has exactly 364 books.
The huskies that pull the Dog Sled Commerce mount run faster in the desert because their paws get hot.
The Incubus King's eyes are red.
The Incubus King's hair is red.
The maximum cumulative level is 200.
The Memory Tower can be found in Vales.
The rays of light shining from a Spirit Weapon mean that it is blessed by the gods.
There are no lit candles in the Rath Royal Castle Guard bunkers.
There is a furnace inside the Dunbarton Healer's House.
There is an armory on the 2nd floor of Rath Royal Castle.
There is no one in the Rath Royal Castle Royal Library.
There is no Pontiff's Court in Tara.
There is no wine shop in Tara.
There's a trading post in Sidhe Sneachta where you can build up your Commerce Merchant Rating.
There's a trading post in the Sen Mag Marketplace where you can build up your Commerce Merchant Rating.
There's only one kind of Spirit Weapon in Mabinogi.
Sayiv is based in Port Cobh.
Shark-Robe Seals are pets that attack enemies with a barrage of trout.
Spirits only exist as adults.
Spirits prefer to eat chairs more than gems.
There are 50 trees within the wall that surrounds Dunbarton.
Using the Elf ability Hide will consume a mana only once, and not continually while active.
When their master dies, Sheeptuplets start running and wailing.
Windmill can be used to make Ranged Attacks.
You can accept Defeat Fomor Commander II mission in Tara Shadow MIssion Bulletin.
You can accept Fomor Attack mission in Taillteann Shadow MIssion Bulletin.
You can accept Lingering Darkness mission in Taillteann Shadow Mission Bulletin.
You can find Aodhan at the Bangor Blacksmith Shop.
You can find Wyllow at the Dunbarton bank.
You can play as the Orc race in Mabinogi. (Pretending that you are an Orc doesn't count.)
You cannot trade in Mabinogi.
You can only do one part-time job in Mabinogi.
You'll go faster if you get on a sled while conducting Commerce in Sidhe Sneachta.
Locke's Book (Totem) Selection Box
- You can select and receive one of the following books (totems) from the Selection Box:
- Right-click “Activate” to receive the effects of the totem.
- You can also sell these totems to an NPC for 200% Exploration EXP.
Reset Totem Stats with Locke
- All OX Quiz Book (totems) can be exchanged with Locke to reset the Totem stats.
- Select Change Book (Reset Totem Stats) when talking to Locke.
- Select the book (Totem) you wish to exchange.
- You can exchange up to 5 times a day.
- 1st - 50,000 gold
- 2nd - 40,000 gold
- 3rd - 30,000 gold
- 4th - 20,000 gold
- 5th - 10,000 gold
- Once exchanged, you will receive the same totem with different stats.
- The exchange limit resets daily at 7am PDT.
Locke’s OX Quiz Voucher Shop
- OX Quiz Vouchers can be exchanged for various items by talking with NPC Locke.
- Consumable items are not tradable and expire in 14 days.
- Locke's Skill Training Seal (30) has no expiration date.
- Locke's OX Quiz Invitation can also be purchased for 6000 Gold.