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Large Sum of Money

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Inventory icon of Large Sum of Money

2 × 2

Please pay the amount listed below to the item holder.

[x[1] Gold]

Methods to Obtain


Mail any item to someone else for money and wait for the other person to accept the request.


  • This item is at no point held in your or any inventory.
  • It will be held in your inbox at the mailbox until you click the "receive" button. Unlike other items, this item will be held as gold in your bank when you click "receive." The amount of gold will depend on the value requested. You cannot click "return" for this item.
  • Despite its name, even one gold is considered large.
  • The color of the item depends on the amount of the gold. For example, all sums of gold worth fifteen thousand will be the same color, etc.


  1. This item's value may vary depending on the requested sum of money.