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Irusan's Attendance Check-in Board

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Inventory icon of Irusan's Attendance Check-in Board

2 × 2

Enter the world of Erinn every day! Log in for one day in Erinn time (36 min) and receive a gift every time you get a stamp on Irusan's Attendance Check Board! (Not tradable)
* Online time is reset by logging out. (Time maintained when changing channels)
* If you logged in before 7AM, you must change channels to check the login time and receive a stamp for the day.
* If you destroy the attendance check board before receiving all stamps, it'll be difficult to recover.

Methods to Obtain


Irusan's Attendance Check-in Board.
  • Log in each day for 30 days to receive an attendance item.
  • You must log in for one day in Erinn time (36 minutes) to receive a stamp on the Attendance Check-in Board and receive the reward.
  • Each day resets at 7:00am PDT100.
  • Online time is reset by logging out. (Time is maintained when changing channels)
  • If you logged in before 7:00am PDT100, you must change channels in order to check the login time and receive a stamp for the day.
  • Irusan's Attendance Check Board does not expire.
  • If you destroy the attendance check board before receiving all stamps, it cannot be recovered.


Attendance Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
Comprehensive Recovery 1500 Potion.png
Comprehensive Recovery 1500 Potion (Not tradable)
Guardian Soul Stone.png
Guardian Soul Stone
Gift Box.png
Combat Support Box
Unique rewards
1 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (1,000,000 Gold) Coupon - Green 3.png
Mysterious Green Bag (10x17) Selection Coupon New!
2 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (2,000,000 Gold) Bank Limit Expansion Coupon.png
Bank Limit Expansion Coupon (100 Million)
3 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (4,000,000 Gold) Extra Equipment Slot Expansion Coupon.png
Extra Equipment Slot Expansion Coupon (Not tradable)
4 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (6,000,000 Gold) Exquisite Reforging Tool.png
Exquisite Reforging Tool (Not tradable)
(Quantity: 10)
5 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (8,000,000 Gold) Celtic Gift Box (Yellow).png
Spirit Weapon Starter Kit and Growth Box
6 (Quantity: 20) (Quantity: 10) (Quantity: 5) (10,000,000 Gold) Protective Upgrade Stone Selection Box.png
Protective Upgrade Stone Selection Box
